Text Tagging
37 hits
> Guide
- Text tagging can be used to tag Objects in literary texts, primary sources, or texts written by a researcher. Read the guide 'Ingest Transcription Data from Transkribus' to learn more about ingesting transcription data into nodegoat. /CMS/upload/usecase_debeer_1.pngView of the Object 'Landino Cristoforo Xandra 2.30 (De Roma fere diruta)' in ...
Reconcile Named Entities
19 hits
> Guide
- ... has been pre-processed in a Natural Language Processing (NLP) workflow. Use a Named Entity Recognition (NER) algorithm to identify entities and store the results as tags (e.g. [entity=place]Den Haag[/entity]) in the textual data in nodegoat. For example: უფროსი თვითონ შეირთო, [entity=person]შვათან[/entity] შერთო ხელმწიფის შვილს და ...
Reconcile Textual Data
10 hits
> Guide
- ... names mentioned in a text against a dataset of people Source Data: Objects of the Type 'Publication' that have an Object Description 'Text' configured as 'Text ( tags & layout)'. While you can search and filter for mentioned people, no references have been made from the people mentioned in the text to the Objects of people in the ...
8 hits
> Documentation
- ... Processes. Source Value The source of a Reconciliation Processes are Descriptions that have been configured as 'String', 'Text', 'Text (layout)', or 'Text ( tags & layout)'. Type Use the dropdown menu to select an Object Type or Classification. Click the blue 'filter' button to specify a Filter. Only filtered Objects or Categories ...
Working with Textual Data
8 hits
> Guide
- ... above the input field. Use these buttons to add headings, specify a bold font weight or italic type, add a quote or a URL. Next to these options, a number of BBCode tags and HTML is also supported. Common use cases include writing formatted texts to be used in (digital) publications (e.g. Collecting the West). Text (Tags & Layout): ...
Linked Data
7 hits
> Documentation
- ... or SPARQL endpoint. This query should return the identifiers and labels of the data you are interested in. To use this query in as a Linked Data Resource, you can use tags to specify which parts of the query will be changed by the input of the user who uses this Linked Data Resource. A simple SPARQL query like this example: SELECT ...
Linked Data vs Curation Island
5 hits
> Blog
- ... with similar names) and also enhances the interoperability of your dataset. Both these aspects make it easier to share and reuse datasets. These two advan tages (data disambiguation and data interoperability) are useful for researchers who work on small(-ish) but complex datasets. Researchers who feel that 'automated' research processes ...
Ingest Transcription Data from Transkribus
5 hits
> Guide
- ... step. Once the Ingestion Processes have run, you can use the ingested data as reference material in your nodegoat projects or use the data as primary sources and text tag mentioned people, places, or any other kind of information. Follow the guides 'Add Source References' or 'Text Tagging' to learn more about this. ...
Ingest Publication Data
4 hits
> Guide
- ... this query for every Object of the Type 'Person'. We can facilitate this by indicating the parts that can be modified when the query runs. We do this by using the and tags. The tag is used to indicate an adjustable part of the query in which one or multiple tags exist. tags are assigned a value by the Ingestion Process every time the ...
Ingest External Identifiers
4 hits
> Guide
- ... this query for every Object of the Type 'Person'. We can facilitate this by indicating the parts that can be modified when the query runs. We do this by using the and tags. The tag is used to indicate an adjustable part of the query in which one or multiple tags exist. tags are assigned a value by the Ingestion Process every time the ...
3 hits
> Workshop
- ... University Middletown, CT USA 08-12-2023 Virtual guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Sheffield for the class 'Digital Cultural Heri tage: From Theory to Practice' Sheffield UK 24-11-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden 16-11-2023 ...
Object Type
3 hits
> Documentation
- ... number or decimal. Use the number (integer) value type when planning to store whole numbers. Text Non-formatted text field. Text (layout) Formatted text field. Text ( Tags & layout) Formatted text field with tagging capabilities. In this Object Description, words can be referenced to other Objects and Categories. True / False A true ...
Multi Objects Operations
3 hits
> Documentation
- ... filtering. Change Change the current value or values into the newly specified value or values. Append For the Object Descriptions 'Text', 'Text (layout)', and 'Text ( Tags & layout)'; multi-value object descriptions; and non-single Sub-Objects: append the specified value to the currently active value or values. Replace For the Object ...
Add External Identifiers
3 hits
> Guide
- ... to describe attributes. You can include the Wikidata ID 'Q1028181' to identify the capacity 'painter'. Adding external identifiers to your data has a number of advan tages. During the research process, you can use these identifiers to quickly find material that has been stored about your objects elsewhere. You can query other databases ...
FORMAL. Mapping Fountains over Time and Place
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> Use Case
- ... in Naples. FORMAL aims to trace the shape of public water distribution in the city of Naples over the centuries. As part of a research project on cultural heri tage we were looking for a tool that would be able to structure the information on the monuments we were studying, both spatially and chronologically, to link them together in a ...
Czechoslovak Underground Journals
2 hits
> Use Case
- /CMS/upload/usecase_janotova_1.pngA detailed look at one of my categorised and coded articles using a system of in-text tags. PhD project on self-produced journals covering non-conformist art activism in Socialist Czechoslovakia. During my PhD research on non-conformist art activism in Socialist Czechoslovakia, I came across a number of ...
Connect your nodegoat environment to Wikidata, BnF, Transkribus, Zotero, and others
2 hits
> Blog
- ... Process allows you to query an external resource and ingest the returned data in your nodegoat environment. Once the data is stored in nodegoat, it can be used for tagging, referencing, filtering, analysis, and visualisation purposes. You can ingest data in order to gather a set of people or places that you intend to use in your ...
2 hits
> Feed
- ... Guide on Reconciliation Processes: Guide on Reconciling Named Entities (e.g. tags in transcriptions): #TUC22
2 hits
> Documentation
- ... (digits after the decimal separator). Text A multi-line input field. Enter non-formatted text. Text (layout) A multi-line input field. Enter formatted text. Text ( tags & layout) A multi-line input field. Enter formatted text. In this Object Description, words can be related to other Objects. To create a textual relation, select a ...
1 hit
> About
- ... Textual Data nodegoat allows users to define in-text references to any Object in your dataset. These references are saved as a relation between the text and the tagged Object. Using nodegoat's reconciliation functionalities textual data can be automatically matched and linked with Objects stored in your nodegoat environment. The section ...
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> About
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> Trademark
- ... trademark in a company name; domain name; software package; in the title of a website, book, article, seminar/course/workshop, video, newsletter, magazine; meta tag; or other manner with the intent or the likely effect of suggesting an "official link" other than to LAB1100; benefiting a party other than the product of nodegoat or ...
Request Account
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> About
- tagram)" target="_blank"> Send an email:
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> Products
- ... customisable diachronic social network graphs, filtering, version management, data management operations, source referencing, conditional formatting, text tagging, multimedia storage.
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> About
- tagram)" target="_blank"> Send an email:
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> Release
- ... * Reconcile: Created the module data_reconcile and a new system-defined Type 'Reconcile' to map, reconcile, and store text into references. This class also supports tagging matched Objects in the source text. * API: Added the required 'Reconciliation Service API' standards to make the new reconciliation functionalities available through ...
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Use Case
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Use Cases
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Enter, Curate & Explore Data
1 hit
> Blog
- ... with static ‘pushes’ – or exports – of data, data is dynamically ‘pulled’ within its context each time a query is fired. This approach produces a number of advan tages, opportunities, and challenges we plan to discuss in this and future blog posts. To kick off, let’s consider an example: the provenance of paintings. Should an art ...
Reversed Classification
1 hit
> Blog
- ... be configured to match 17th century objects differently than objects in the 18th century. To facilitate discussions on the definition of periodisations, instead of re tagging objects, only the classification has to be reconfigured to match the latest consensus. We plan to have a first version up and running in the coming months and will ...
nodegoat Workshop at the Historical Network Conference in Lisbon on 16-9-2015
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> Blog
- ... data model in nodegoat. Discussion of the results. Enter data in the new data model. Visualisation & discussion of the results. Everyone working hard tag/nodegoat?src=hash">#nodegoat @nodegoat workshop Lisboa — Alice Santiago Faria (@asantiagofaria) September 16, 2015
nodegoat Workshop at the Text Encoding Initiative Conference in Lyon 26-10-2015
1 hit
> Blog
- ... that could be worked with include: and, or data that includes the ‹correspDesc› tags and that has been harvested by An example that we created in nodegoat based on data that is available through the correspSearch portal can ...
nodegoat as an Interactive Museum Installation: 20.000 letters visualised through time and space
1 hit
> Blog
- ... mode from within nodegoat: A high resolution 1440p version of this clip is available here. We will talk about the development of this installation at the Virtual Heri tage Network Ireland Conference, 20-22 November 2015. /CMS/upload/grimmwelt_table_screenshot.png The design of the installation follows the exhibition design of Holzer ...
Data modeling and database development for historians (slides)
1 hit
> Blog
- ... course Databases for young historians. This course was sponsored by the Huizinga Instituut, Posthumus Instituut, Huygens-ING and the Amsterdam Centre for Cultural Heri tage and Identity (ACHI, UvA) and was hosted by Huygens-ING. We had a great time working with a group of historians who were eager to learn how to conceptualise data ...
A Wikidata/DBpedia Geography of Violence
1 hit
> Blog
- ... now and then of all the structured data that has become available thanks to their efforts: C. Johnson: Battles of Europe as recorded by @wikidata - eye-opener!! @GCDH tag/digitalhumanities?src=hash">#digitalhumanities #dighist — Greta Franzini (@GretaFranzini) February 2, 2016 This looks pretty neat, ...
Upcoming nodegoat workshops in Ghent & Washington D.C. (and more)
1 hit
> Blog
- ... Data challenges. Together with Ingeborg van Vugt we plan to discuss the benefits and difficulties of Linked Data in the humanities. After a stimulating Virtual Heri tage Network conference last year in Maynooth, we look forward to this year's conference in Cork. The conference will take place on 8-10 December. Leonor Álvarez Francés is ...
Formulating Ambiguity in a Database
1 hit
> Blog
- ... your data becomes essential. On a more fundamental level, you could also ask yourself whether your research process is question-driven or data-driven. In the early s tages of your research process, a data-driven approach might help you to get a good understanding of the availability of the data. A data-driven approach also allows you to ...
nodegoat at DH2017
1 hit
> Blog
- ... regarding data modelling and the database application into an operational process. Since most of the participants were trained to conduct research with a syn tagmatic dimension in mind, a linear text, it was hard to execute a research process that leads to a paradigmatic dimension, a database (Manovich, 1999). Secondly, since they were ...
Mapping Notes and Nodes in Networks
1 hit
> Use Case
- ... /CMS/upload/usecase_vugt_2.pngSocial visualisation of over 1900 Objects in the Type 'Letter', including all the relationships tagged in the transcript of the letters (e.g. artifacts, people, places, letters, introductions), plus the relationships as identified in the metadata of the letters (e.g. sender, ...
Getting forgotten within the world of learning, 18th - 20th centuries
1 hit
> Use Case
- /CMS/upload/usecase_winnerling_2.pngGeographical visualization of 532 persons (with almost 3.000 Sub-Objects) related to the four main protagonists of the study, showing a clear North-South pattern. This project aims at reconstructing the processes at work when scholars drop out of the memory of the world of learning I needed a tool for ...
Mapping Visions of Rome
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> Use Case
- ... Research), LUF (Leiden University Fund) and NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences). Project Website: digitalromanheri Public User Interface: /CMS/upload/usecase_debeer_2.pngGeographic visualisation of the Virgilian walk Petrarca.
Release of nodegoat 7.3
1 hit
> Blog
- ... these levels of vagueness in your visualisation, and make selections of data based on vague dates to perform network analytical calculations. Soft-launch of a new tag/nodegoat?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#nodegoat functionality, developed for @RAG_online: complex and relational dating to specify ranges of uncertainty. Example: ...
Repertorium Academicum Germanicum - The Graduate Scholars of the Holy Roman Empire
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> Use Case
- ... was completed and the RAG teams at the universities of Bern and Giessen were able to enter and visualize research data in nodegoat in January 2018. The biggest advan tage of nodegoat for us is the acceleration of the work process. We now need a fraction of the time compared to the previous database to enter, analyze and publish research ...
Extended nodegoat Documentation & Guides
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> Blog
- ... existing content can now also be searched via Use this to find Blog Posts, Use Cases, Documantion Sections, or Guides that mention things like tags or apis. We look forward to receive feedback on the Documentation and Guides, so please get in touch if you miss something or if anything can be improved.
Analysing Languages and Dialects spoken in the Napoleonic Empire
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> Use Case
- ... The visualisation with nodegoat is therefore still work in progress, the possibility to subsequently add, correct or improve data one of nodegoat’s clear advan tages. Public User Interface: /CMS/upload/usecase_ködel_2.pngSocial network visualisation of the letters, authors, recipients, and topics.
New Data Publication Module
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> Blog
- ... a Project's data model and all of its data are published and archived. The publication remains accessible also when new publications are generated at a later s tage. Publications are stand-alone self-containing archives which include both the HTML-interface to the data model as well as all of its data in both JSON and CSV. ...
1 hit
> Feed
- RT @SonjaKmec: Cool graph: Which historical figures have been celebrated by means of portraits on European postage stamps? Using @nodegoat…
1 hit
> Feed
- RT @infoclio: Die Tagung "From source to visualization" vereinte am 4.6.21 Forschende aus ganz Europa, die mit der virtuellen Forschungsumg…
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> Feed
- RT @RAG_online: Neuer Band der Reihe RAG Forschungen mit den Beiträgen zur #Bilanztagung des @RAG_online: #univer…
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> Feed
- ... 📚 Follow the Guides: 💡 Explore Use Cases: 🔖 Read publications on nodegoat: tags/nodegoat 📄 Consult the Documentation:
1 hit
> Feed
- This visualisation was generated by tagging French place names in 'Gedenkboek van den oorlog in 1870 en 1871' published in @dbnl (
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> Feed
- 7/2 'Reuse: the future of heritage in digital culture', inaugural lecture by @jjnoordegraaf via @ivozandhuis
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> Feed
- RT @joewett: @schambers3 @thatcamp The printed program for "Historikertag" with @thatcampgoe is out :-) @GCDH
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> Feed
- Hurrah! Our paper got accepted for the Sheffield Digital Humanities Congress in September #nohashtagyet? #dhc2014?
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> Feed
- .@LoriBrister Great! What are you aiming for? Tagging text w/ objects, mapping travels, connecting sites/locations, ...?
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> Feed
- @Kristin_Oswald Interesting! Any demos? This came also up in our session @ #thatcampgoe, see: #HisTag14 #digialtwi14
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> Feed
- RT @martenduering: Tagungsbericht: Historical Network Conference 2014 / Ghent 15.-19.09.2014 | Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft…
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> Feed
- Zirker: multi-level/hierarchical annotation/tagging in literature. Deep mapping of texts? #dhd2015
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> Feed
- RT @Mareike2405: CfP Reisestipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen zur Tagung "Digital Humanities Experiments" in Paris…
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> Feed
- @epoz We're using the hashtag #eRome :)
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> Feed
- RT @kintopp: histoGraph: crowdsourced, graph-based tool for exploring digital cultural heritage archives…
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> Feed
- ... of the 10th Historical Network Research workshop in Düsseldorf 28/04 - 30/04: tagungen/fakten-verknuepfen-erkenntnisse-gewinnen/programm.html
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> Feed
- RT @martenduering: Reminder: *Networks and the Cultural Heritage Sector* workshop @DHBenelux Register at by May…
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> Feed
- Today we will talk about heritage data in interactive installations at @AllardPiersonMu
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- RT @Mareike2405: Safe the date: Digitale Geschichte in der universitären Lehre #dhiha8 - Tagung, Workshop, BarCamp am @dhiparis 17./18. Jun…
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> Feed
- #DH2019 @DJWrisley presents the needs for the development of a Humanities Entity Recognizer, allowing you to geotag texts in a language agnostic manner: cc @maciejmaryl
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> Feed
- ... Gelehrtennetzwerke digital rekonstruieren: Vernetzung von Briefmetadaten mit Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO)’ by @h_caria. tags/nodegoat/library
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> Feed
- RT @angelalinghuang: Phew! Another intense @euroweb4 day, developing our "Digital Atlas of Textile Heritage" further 🥳, discussing geocodin…
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> Feed
- @docuracy @nodegoat Right! So the syntagma is there, but we need to extend the paradigm to support definable algorithms. It's on the suggested features list!
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> Feed
- Workshop #100 🎉🎉🎉🎉💯 This afternoon, Pim van Bree and Geert Kessels introduce us to @nodegoat, a network analysis tool designed for historians. tag/HNR2024?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HNR2024 — Historical Networks (@HNR_org) July 8, 2024
1 hit
> Documentation
- ... added is supplemented with a new tab that contains information about the referencing Description and the target Type, Classification or Reversed Classification. Text ( tags & layout), Reversal Descriptions that can contain references to multiple Object Types can be filtered in two ways. Use the first set of drop down menu and input ...
Create your first Object Type
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> Guide
- ... check the fourth checkbox 'Use Description for quick search'. Define the third Object Description as 'Bio' and use the drop-down menu to set the value type to 'Text ( Tags & Layout)'. Don't check any of the checkboxes. Define the fourth Object Description as 'Image' and use the drop-down menu to set the value type to Media. Don't ...
Add a related Object Type
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> Guide
- ... as a column in overviews of Objects in this Type. Define the fourth Object Description as 'Full Text' and use the drop-down menu to set the value type to 'Text ( Tags & Layout)'. Don't check any of the checkboxes. Once you have specified these settings, your configuration should look like this: /CMS/upload/guide-0701.png Sub-Objects ...
Set a Colour for your Object Types and Classifications
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> Guide
- ... The specified colour will be used throughout this project to colour occurrences of Objects or Categories (i.e. the nodes in the Social Network Visualisation, or tagged Objects/Categories in texts). This colour overrides the colour set in the data Model. In the project 'Correspondence Networks', set the Type 'Person' to a red colour, set ...
Institutional Usage
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> Institutional Usage
- This overview lists institutes that are serviced by LAB1100 in the framework of a nodegoat One, nodegoat Grow, or nodegoat Go service level agreement.
nodegoat Workshop in Düsseldorf 28-04-2016
0 hit
> Blog
- gure>üsseldorf, Assumulator / CC BY-SA 3.0 The tenth Historical Network Research workshop will be in Düsseldorf from 28-04-2016 to 30-04-2016. They have set up an exciting programme on the theme 'Fakten verknüpfen, Erkenntnisse gewinnnen? ...
Members of the US House of Representatives - Wikidata
0 hit
> Blog
- The following interactive visualisation explores the movements of 10.896 Representatives of the United States Congress, from Roger Sherman's birth in 1721 up until all its members in 2015. The Representatives move from their place of birth to their place of education and finally to their possible place of death. Click here to open the ...
Temporally-aware dynamic network analysis: traversing nodegoat graphs
0 hit
> Blog
- During the conference 'Graphs and Networks in the fourth dimension – time and temporality as categories of connectedness', jointly organised by the Historical Network Research community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities, we presented a new nodegoat feature: 'temporally-aware dynamic network analysis'. This new functionality extends ...
0 hit
> Documentation
- To store data through the nodegoat API you need a valid domain, a valid path, and use user authentication. The data you submit has to be formatted in JSON. Storing data in nodegoat will start a new transaction for every 1000 Objects: the transaction will be commited when all data is successfully processed, or rolled back when an error occurs. ...