
#thatcampgoe Best example: educators writing a guide 'How to use Tumblr' for their students...

#thatcampgoe In the session on digital humanities & education, the myth of the 'digital native' comes up again #informationskompetenz

We're on our way to THATCamp Göttingen. Bis bald! #thatcampgoe

@tombrughmans @electricarchaeo @scott_bot @Elijah_Meeks plus, individual  researchers get free access to nodegoat.

@tombrughmans @electricarchaeo @scott_bot @Elijah_Meeks Neen, nodegoat works with partnerships where development is shared among partners.

RT @GrandjeanMartin: | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
|   #HNR2014        |
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#hnr2014 @cvbrugg et al, great investigative and hands-on SNA project

RT @Ajprescott: 'Give datasets recognition as academic publication' (In fact, they are REF-eligible, but it would be a push in an A&H facul…

Despite a broken locomotive and a 45 minute delay we're on our way to Ghent for #HNR2014.

RT @jamesinealing: @LAB1100 good to meet you guys and chat about @nodegoat - will source some good @Europeanaeu geo data and send it through

Interesting talks on network analysis  in archeology and complexity science on day one of #tcp2014, now off for day two!

RT @VanHyningV: Clean #UX in Nodegoat. Object oriented methodology contextualizes individuals w/#ActorNetwork theory, result: collective me…