
The types of Objects you are able to add, edit, delete, and save, depends on how you have configured the Object Types in the Data Model, as well as on the settings of the Project.

When you add a new Object or edit an existing Object, you specify the name of the Object, a number of Object Descriptions, and a number of Sub-Objects. Whether you use a fixed field for the name of an Object, the number of Object Descriptions, and Sub-Objects is configured in the Data Model.


If a fixed field for the name has been enabled, you can enter this in a single line input field (max 5000 characters). The name of an Object stores unformatted characters.


Intrinsic/static attributes of an Object are described by Object Descriptions. Depending on the way in which you have configured your Data Model, the following input fields are available.

Reference: Object TypeThis Object Description is a search box with which you can query the referenced Object Type and select an Object. One Object Description can contain multiple references.
Reference: ClassificationThis Object Description is a search box with which you can query the referenced Classification and select a Category. One Object Description can contain multiple references.
Reference: Object Types / ClassificationsThis Object Description is a search box with which you can query any of the referenced Object Types and Classifications and select an Object or Category. Use the drop-down list next to the search box to select what Object Type or Classification is to be queried. One Object Description can contain multiple references.
Reference: ReversalA reference to a Reversal, not editable.
StringA single line input field. Enter a single line string (max 5000 characters). A string stores unformatted characters.
NumberA whole number (integer), no decimal. Maximum 19 digits.
Numeric (Decimal)A whole number or decimal. A decimal can be entered using the decimal separator .. Maximum of 19 digits: 9 digit integer number + 10 digit non-integer number (digits after the decimal separator).
TextA multi-line input field. Enter non-formatted text.
Text (layout)A multi-line input field. Enter formatted text.
Text (tags & layout)A multi-line input field. Enter formatted text. In this Object Description, words can be related to other Objects. To create a textual relation, select a word and click the green 'object' button that appears. Select a Type and find one or more Objects. To edit a textual relation, click on the relationship and click the blue 'object' button. Click the blue '&' button to re-use a previously used relation. Click the blue '+' button to select the last used relation. Click the red 'x' button to remove an existing relation.
True/FalseA true/false field.
DateA date field, using the following date formats:
  • y (1687)
  • -y (-800)
  • m-y (03-1687 / 3-1687)
  • m--y (03--800 / 3--800)
  • -m-y (-03-800 / -3-800)
  • d-m-y (09-03-1687 / 9-3-1687)
  • d-m--y (09-03--800 / 9-3--800)
  • -d-m-y (-09-03-800 / -9-3-800)

Any reversed notation of the above (y-m-d) is also valid, e.g. -y-m-d equals d-m--y. It is possible to substitute the default date separator - with / or . (-800/09/03).

Optional: Include a sequence to the date format y-m-d sequence. A sequence helps to arrange same dates based on their sequence value. Indicate the sequence by appending   (white space) or T and a number ranging from -4999 to 4999. When the input includes hours and minutes (h:m) the sequence will automatically be applied as minutes (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00 will be translated to 1997-07-16 1160).

Serial StringA single line input field with an incrementing integer [[#]] or [[#=n]]. Each value stored in this field that contains the tag [[#]] will be replaced with an incremented number unique for this Object Description, where the optional n indicates the padded length of the number, e.g. [[#=5]] is formatted to 00001.
MediaUpload any kind of media (i.e. png, pdf, mp3).
Media (External)Link to external media resources (e.g. http://url.com/map.png or http://youtu.be/jm1os4VzTgA)
ApplicationInput options for the following Applications:
  • Music Notation: input fields for the values 'Clef', 'Key Signature', 'Time Signature', 'Key or Mode', 'Code'. These fields accept Plaine & Easie Code.
ExternalAn external relation using URIs. URIs can be plain URLs, or can be retrieved by connecting to a Linked Data Resource to dynamically query SPARQL/API resources like VIAF or Wikidata. Enter a string to query the linked data resource connected to this Description. Click the grey 'filter' button to select a different linked data resource. Click on the funnel icon to open the filter that has been configured in the Linked Data module.