nodegoat workshop during the 2017 DHNord Conference in Lille, France. nodegoat workshops are a good opportunity to learn how you can use nodegoat for your own project. These workshops may also cover basic principles of data modelling, database design, and network analysis as well as challenges/opportunities related to the usage of 'data' in the realm of the humanities. Click here to request a nodegoat workshop .
Upcoming Events Past Events 20-03-2025 nodegoat Workshop at the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Vienna Austria 06-03-2025 nodegoat: a web-based research environment for the humanities, public presentation Bologna Italy 27-02-2025 Virtual Guest Lecture on Historical Network Analysis in nodegoat at the University of Southern Denmark Odense Denmark 14-02-2025 nodegoat Workshop at the University of Basel organised by the Research and Infrastructure Support team and the Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities Basel Switzerland 23-01-2025 nodegoat Workshop at the University of Zaragoza Zaragoza Spain 22-01-2025 nodegoat Workshop at the University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain 29-11-2024 Workshop ‘Data management and analysis for historical research in nodegoat’ at the Research School Political History Amsterdam The Netherlands 22-11-2024 Advanced nodegoat Workshop at Bern University Bern Switzerland 08-11-2024 nodegoat Clinic: Bring Your Own Data / Sources / Research Questions Geneva Switzerland 24-10-2024 nodegoat Workshop: Beginners and Advanced organised by CLARIAH-VL & GhentCDH at Ghent University Ghent Belgium 18-10-2024 nodegoat Workshop at Oslo University Oslo Norway 19-09-2024 nodegoat Demo on the Nomismata Database at the University of Trieste Trieste Italy 08-07-2024 nodegoat Workshop during the 9th International Historical Network Research Conference at the University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland 13-06-2024 nodegoat workshop at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prague Czechia 06-06-2024 07-06-2024 Two virtual workshops or PhD Students (UNIGE & Geneva Graduate Institute): "Mapping Spatial Data with nodegoat" & "Social Network Analysis with nodegoat" Geneva Switzerland 05-06-2024 19-05-2024 Two nodegoat workshops at Leiden University Leiden The Netherlands 29-05-2024 nodegoat Workshop at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg 11-04-2024 nodegoat Workshop: Analyse and Visualise Humanities Data at Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona Spain 05-04-2024 nodegoat Workshop at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Nijmegen The Netherlands 27-03-2024 Virtual introduction to nodegoat, organised by the Dijital Beşeri Bilimler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi of Marmara Üniversitesi İstanbul Türkiye 22-03-2024 nodegoat Workshop at the University of Graz Graz Austria 07-03-2024 Virtual presentation during the InfraVis training: Introduction to nodegoat Uppsala Sweden 01-02-2024 nodegoat Workshop at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen during the event 'Digital Humanities tools for historians (including OpenSource relational database nodegoat)' Groningen The Netherlands 19-01-2024 nodegoat Workshop at DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities Basel Switzerland 13-12-2023 nodegoat Workshop at Emerson College Boston USA 11-12-2023 12-12-2023 nodegoat Workshop at Wesleyan University Middletown, CT USA 08-12-2023 Virtual guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Sheffield for the class 'Digital Cultural Heritage: From Theory to Practice' Sheffield UK 24-11-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden 16-11-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities at Ghent University Ghent Belgium 06-11-2023 Virtual guest lecture on nodegoat at Trinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland 02-11-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Humanities Research Fellowship Programme at New York University Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 23-10-2023 Workshop ‘Data management and analysis for historical research in nodegoat’ organised by the Research School Political History Amsterdam The Netherlands 11-10-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Department of History at Stockholm University Stockholm Sweden 25-07-2023 nodegoat Workshop organised by the Research Centre Global Dynamics of the Universität Leipzig Leipzig Germany 21-07-2023 Virtual (Hands-On) Introduction in nodegoat at the Digital Humanities Day #5 "Nachhaltigkeit in Forschung und Lehre" at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum Germany 06-07-2023 nodegoat Workshop 'Jousting with Databases: Analyse/Visualise Historical Data with nodegoat' at the International Medieval Congress Leeds UK 13-06-2023 nodegoat Workshop at KU Leuven Leuven Belgium 05-05-2023 nodegoat Workshop 'Datenmanagement, Netzwerkanalyse und Visualisierungen mit Nodegoat' at the Ancient Sciences Innovation Lab of Universität Mainz Mainz Germany 02-03-2023 03-03-2023 'Advancing in nodegoat' and 'Introduction to nodegoat' workshops at the Digital Humanities department of Bern University Bern Switzerland 16-02-2023 nodegoat Workshop at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History Munich Germany 24-01-2023 nodegoat Workshop at Wesleyan University Middletown, CT USA 09-12-2022 Guest lecture titled 'Constructing Historical Facts in nodegoat: some Considerations and Practical Implementations' at the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University Paris France 21-11-2022 Virtual nodegoat Workshop at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague Czechia 18-11-2022 nodegoat Workshop 'Learn how to connect and reconcile epistolary datasets with nodegoat' at the SKILLNET Conference Utrecht The Netherlands 29-09-2022 nodegoat workshop 'Connect Transkribus to nodegoat: enrich transcriptions in a web-based research environment for the humanities' at the Transkribus User Conference 22 Innsbruck Austria 22-08-2022 24-08-2022 nodegoat workshop at the FGHO summerschool 'Versammeln und Entscheiden: Willensbildungsprozesse auf Tagfahrten der Vormoderne' Lübeck Germany 20-07-2022 22-07-2022 Kartenvisualisierung musikhistorischer Forschungsdaten mit nodegoat Leipzig Germany 28-06-2022 Virtual nodegoat Workshop at the Digital Humanities Center at Ruhr-University Bochum Bochum Germany 30-05-2022 27-06-2022 Virtual Digital Skills Workshops for PhD Students (UNIGE & Geneva Graduate Institute) Geneva Switzerland 29-03-2022 01-04-2022 Four nodegoat workshops at the University of Bern Bern Switzerland 24-03-2022 Two nodegoat sessions at the Virtual Training School "Exploring ELTeC: Use-Cases for Information Extraction and Analysis within the COST Action 16204: Distant Reading for European Literary History" Belgrade Serbia 16-12-2021 nodegoat Workshop at the Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning Oslo Norway 02-12-2021 ARTES workshop: Thinking like a database 2.0 Using nodegoat technology in humanities research Amsterdam The Netherlands 08-10-2021 Virtual nodegoat Workshop during the 'Training School on Digital Data' organised by the COST Action Euroweb The Hague The Netherlands 29-09-2021 06-10-2021 Two nodegoat webinars organised by the library of the Basel Graduate School of History of the University of Basel Basel Switzerland 13-09-2021 20-09-2021 Virtual workshop series organised by COST Action NEP4DISSENT: 'Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data' The Hague The Netherlands 25-08-2021 nodegoat Workshop at the Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Budapest Hungary 03-06-2021 Virtual nodegoat Workshop at the 'Musical Networking in the long 19th Century’ conference Zagreb Croatia 21-05-2021 Virtual guest lecture on nodegoat for the course 'Linking Space and Time' at the Philipps-Universität Marburg Marburg Germany 28-04-2021 26-05-2021 Four virtual workshop sessions on the topic of "Dynamic Data Ingestion", organised by the University of Bern Bern Switzerland 20-04-2021 Virtual guest lecture on nodegoat at the University of Amsterdam for the course 'Digital Methods and Historical Source Criticism' Amsterdam The Netherlands 29-01-2021 26-02-2021 6-week online course 'Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989): Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities' organised in the framework of the Central European University Summer Schools by the Open Society University Network and COST Action NEP4DISSENT, hosted by the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives Budapest Hungary 06-11-2020 13-11-2020 Two nodegoat webinars organised by the library of the The Graduate Institute Geneva Geneva Switzerland 17-09-2020 29-10-2020 Three nodegoat webinars organised by the project 'Premodern Conflict Management' at the University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands 15-09-2020 Virtual guest lecture on nodegoat and database development at the University of Groningen for the course 'Digital Approaches to the premodern world' Groningen The Netherlands 03-06-2020 10-06-2020 Two nodegoat webinars organised by the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg 30-01-2020 Netzwerkanalyse in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften mit der virtuellen Forschungsumgebung Nodegoat Bern Switzerland 16-01-2020 nodegoat Workshop at the Huygens ING Amsterdam The Netherlands 27-11-2019 nodegoat workshop at the DigiHUBB Days 'Digital Humanities and Data Visualization' at the Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca Romania 06-11-2019 nodegoat workshop at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Lisbon Portugal 15-07-2019 23-07-2019 Summer University 'Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989): Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities' at the Central European University Budapest Hungary 03-07-2019 04-07-2019 nodegoat workshop at the training event 'Thinking like a database: Digitizing and analysing data in the Humanities' of the University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands 27-06-2019 nodegoat Demonstration at the Time in Space conference Pisa Italy 20-06-2019 21-06-2019 nodegoat workshop at the Netzwerk für digitale Geisteswissenschaften und Citizen Science an der Universität Erfurt Erfurt Germany 17-06-2019 'Teaching Database Skills for Historical Research with nodegoat' (workshop), during the conference Teaching History in the Digital Age - International Perspectives at the German Historical Institute Paris France 27-05-2019 nodegoat training during the 13th Workshop on Historical Network Analysis 'Networks Across Time and Space' at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz Germany 23-05-2019 nodegoat Workshop at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg 06-05-2019 Guest lecture on nodegoat at the University of Amsterdam for the course 'Digital Methods and Historical Source Criticism' Amsterdam The Netherlands 02-04-2019 nodegoat workshop at the History Department of University of Rome La Sapienza, co-organised by the History Department of University of Verona Rome Italy 28-03-2019 nodegoat workshop at the Walter Benjamin Kolleg Bern Switzerland 20-01-2019 nodegoat workshop 'Netzwerkforschung und Visualisierung / Data Modelling with nodegoat' at the conference 'Netzwerke/Werknetze: Transareale Perspektiven auf relationale Ästhetiken, Akteure und Medien (1910-1989)' Hannover Germany 06-11-2018 nodegoat workshop at the University of Western Australia Perth Australia 29-10-2018 nodegoat meeting / workshop at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies Los Angeles USA 25-10-2018 nodegoat workshop during the conference 'Reconstructing Historical Networks Digitally New Approaches, Opportunities and Epistemological Implications of Social Network Analysis' at the German Historical Institute Washington Washington D.C. USA 09-10-2018 nodegoat Workshop for the COST Action NEP4DISSENT at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade Serbia 20-07-2018 nodegoat Workshop at the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities. Organised by the National Library of Latvia and the University of Latvia Riga Latvia 14-07-2018 15-07-2018 nodegoat Workshop at the Netherlands Institute in Athens Athens Greece 08-05-2018 Guest lecture on nodegoat at the University of Amsterdam for the course 'Digital Methods and Historical Source Criticism' Amsterdam The Netherlands 20-04-2018 nodegoat Workshop at the The 12th Historical Network Research Workshop Bremen Germany 01-03-2018 02-03-2018 Workshop: Netzwerkanalyse für Doktoranden und Postdocs der UAR at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen Essen Germany 29-11-2017 nodegoat Workshop at the (De)constructing Digital History dhnord2017 conference organised by MESHS in Lille Lille France 18-10-2017 nodegoat Workshop at the 4th Historical Network Research conference at the University of Turku Turku Finland 04-04-2017 nodegoat & Digital Humanities Workshop, Colorado College Colorado Springs USA 21-02-2017 22-02-2017 nodegoat Workshop at the Winter School – Skills in Digital Methods, organised by the University of Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg 14-02-2017 Workshop on nodegoat at the School of Arts, Oxford Brookes University Oxford UK 27-01-2017 Workshop on nodegoat on day two of Workshop: Computational skills for the humanities, organised by the Netherlands eScience Center and Institute for History, Universiteit Leiden Utrecht The Netherlands 17-01-2017 Journée de formation « Nodegoat » Bases de données – analyse de réseaux – visualisations, organised by Université Paris Diderot - Laboratoire SPHère, PluriGenre, and Institut des Humanités de Paris Paris France 20-10-2016 Workshop 'nodegoat - Create and Explore Historical Data through Diachronic Spatial Mapping' at the conference New Approaches, Opportunities and Epistemological Implications of Mapping History Digitally organised by the German Historical Institute Washington Washington D.C. USA 11-10-2016 Workshop 'Introducing Nodegoat: a hands-on workshop' at the DARIAH-EU Annual Event organised by Ghent University Ghent Belgium 28-05-2016 Workshop 'Advanced HNR with nodegoat' at the 10th Historical Network Research workshop 'Fakten verknüpfen, Erkenntnisse gewinnnen? Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Historischer Netzwerkanalyse' Düsseldorf Germany 08-03-2016 Workshop 'nodegoat Workshop: Einführung in die Nutzung einer multifunktionalen webbasierten Datenbankapplikation für Geisteswissenschaftler' at the DHd-Tagung 2016 Leipzig Germany 25-01-2016 26-01-2016 Two day workshop 'Data modeling and database development for historians' for the course Databases for young historians at Huygens ING The Hague The Netherlands 27-11-2015 Workshop 'Explorative data analysis and visualisation in nodegoat' at the Text Encoding Initiative Conference and Members' Meeting 2015 Lyon France 16-09-2015 nodegoat Workshop: 'Conceptualise and Set Up a Historical Network Research Workflow' during the Historical Network Research Conference 2015 Lisbon Portugal 01-09-2015 Training session on nodegoat during the NISE Annual Gathering 2015 Swansea UK 19-06-2015 Workshop 'Hands-on: historical network research in nodegoat' during the Historical Network Research Workshop organised by CREATE and the Amsterdam Academic Alliance at the University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands 05-06-2015 Guest lecture on nodegoat at the University of Amsterdam for the course 'Digital Methods and Historical Source Criticism' Amsterdam The Netherlands 22-04-2015 Joint workshop with SPIN - Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms on 'Mapping the diffusion of cultural nationalism in three dimensions (space, time, media)' at the 2015 ASEN Conference Nationalism: Diversity and Security London UK 16-06-2014 27-06-2014 Two week workshop 'Memory Landscapes and the Regime Change of 1965-66 in Semarang' and presentation for lecturers at the Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata (UNIKA) Semarang Indonesia 11-04-2014 Joint session with the Ghent Center for Digital Humanities and Maastricht University on nodegoat and Transnational Intellectual Cooperation (TIC) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris France 06-04-2014 Workshop on using nodegoat for historical network research at the 8th Historical Network Research workshop 'From texts to networks and back' Berlin Germany 07-03-2014 Guest lecture on nodegoat at the University of Amsterdam for the course 'Digital Methods and Historical Source Criticism' Amsterdam The Netherlands These slides cover a number of topics that are addressed during a nodegoat workshop