Object Type

In the data Model module you model the structure of your Objects. Objects are described by Object Descriptions, Sub-Objects, and Sub-Object Descriptions.

To add a new Type of Objects, click 'Add Object Type'.

To edit an existing Object Type, click the blue 'edit' button at the relevant Object Type.

To empty an existing Object Type, click the red 'empty' button at the relevant Object Type. This will remove all the Objects of this Type while leaving the Model of this Object Type intact.

To delete an existing Object Type, click the red 'del' button at the relevant Object Type. This will remove both the Objects of this Type plus the Model of this Type.

Add / Edit an Object Type  

Specify the name of the Object Type. This name is used throughout nodegoat to identify Objects of this Type.

You can specify a color for the Object Type. This color is the default color of Objects of this Type and will be used for coloring in visualisations and highlights when no other color has been specified in the Project or Conditions.

Specify Conditions that are used for Objects of this Type.

Optional: In a multi-user Domain: Select the minimum clearance level a user needs to add / edit Objects of this Type.

Specify one or more definitions that describe the Objects of this Type. These definitions are exposed via the API.


Click the tab 'Object' to configure the name of Objects as well as Object Descriptions.

Object Name  

Check the 'Fixed Field' checkbox to enable a static name field for each Object of this Type. If the static name field is disabled, at least one Object Description has to be used for the name of the Object.

Check the 'In Overviews' checkbox to show this name in the Object overviews.

Object Descriptions  

Intrinsic/static attributes of an Object are described by Object Descriptions.

Click 'add' to create new Object Descriptions.

Give an Object Description a name by entering a name.

Select the kind of data (value type) that will be stored in the Object Description:

Reference: Object TypeA reference to another Object of the same or of a different Object Type. One Object Description can contain multiple references to the referenced Object Type.
Reference: ClassificationA reference to a Category in a Classification. One Object Description can contain multiple references to Categories of one Classification.
Reference: ReversalA reference to a Reversal.
StringA single line text string.
NumberA whole number (integer), no decimal.
Numeric (Decimal)A whole number or decimal. Use the number (integer) value type when planning to store whole numbers.
TextNon-formatted text field.
Text (layout)Formatted text field.
Text (Tags & layout)Formatted text field with tagging capabilities. In this Object Description, words can be referenced to other Objects and Categories.
True / FalseA true / false (boolean) value.
DateA date value, using the following date formats: d-m-y or y-m-d. See the Usage section for an elaborate overview of all supported input formats.
Serial StringA single line text string with an incrementing integer [[#]] or [[#=n]]. Each value stored in this field that contains the tag [[#]] will be replaced with an incremented number unique for this Object Description, where the optional n indicates the padded length of the number, e.g. [[#=5]] is formatted to 00000. Use in conjunction with the 'Default' option to automatically generate custom identifiers: e.g. my[[#]]OBJECT will be stored as my1OBJECT and the next time this value is encountered as my2OBJECT, etc.
MediaUpload any kind of media (e.g. png, pdf, mp3).
Media (External)Link to external media resources (e.g. http://url.com/map.png or http://youtu.be/jm1os4VzTgA).
ApplicationEnable one of the following Applications:
  • Music Notation: create, view, and filter on the values 'Clef', 'Key Signature', 'Time Signature', 'Code'.
ExternalAn external relation using URIs. URIs can be plain URLs, or can be retrieved by connecting to the nodegoat Linked Data Resource module to dynamically query SPARQL/API resources like VIAF or Wikidata.

Per Object Description you can specify how the Object Description will be used.

Check the 'Multiple' checkbox to allow multiple values to be stored in the Object Description. Use the 'Separator' input field to set a specific separator value when multiple Definitions are shown for this Object Description. Leave empty to use the default value: ,.

When the 'Name' checkbox is also checked, use the 'Name Separator' input field to set a specific separator value (see below).

Check the 'Required' checkbox to make it mandatory to enter a value in the Object Description.
Check the 'Default' checkbox to set a default value for the Object Description. Use the 'Default' input field to enter a default value.
Check the 'Unique' checkbox to allow only unique values to be stored in the Object Description.
Check the 'Name' checkbox to use the value or values stored in the Object Description as the name or part of the name of the Object.

If the fixed name field is disabled, this option has to be set at least once. If not, nodegoat will not be able to generate a name for the Object.

Use the 'Name Separator' input field to set a specific separator value when this Object Description can contain multiple Definitions and is used for the Object name. Leave empty to use the default value: ,.

Check the 'Quick Search' checkbox to allow an Object Description to be searched via the Quick Search functionality.
Check the 'Overview' checkbox to show the value or values stored in an Object Description as a column in overviews of Objects of this Type.
Check the 'Identifier' checkbox to use the value or values in an Object Description as external identifiers.

Optional: In a multi-user Domain: Select the minimum clearance level a user needs to add / edit an Object Description.

Optional: In a multi-user Domain: Select the minimum clearance level a user needs to view an Object Description.


Changing/contextualised attributes of an Object are described by Sub-Objects.

Click the tab 'Sub-Object' to configure the Sub-Objects.

Click 'add' to create new Sub-Object.

Give the Sub-Object a name by entering a name.

Specify whether the Sub-Object may occur only once per Object by selecting 'Single'.

Specify whether the Sub-Object is required for every Object by selecting 'Required'.

Optional: In a multi-user Domain: Select the minimum clearance level a user needs to add / edit the Sub-Object.

Optional: In a multi-user Domain: Select the minimum clearance level a user needs to view the  Sub-Object.

Sub-Object Date  

Click the tab 'Date' to configure the temporal settings of the Sub-Object.

Specify whether the temporality of the Sub-Object is defined by a date or a period. Select 'none' to make the Sub-Object nontemporal.

Optional: Select the source of the date of a Sub-Object.

Sub-Object Location  

Click the tab 'Location' to configure the spatial settings of the Sub-Object.

Set 'Location' to none to make the Sub-Object nonspatial.

Optional: Check the checkbox 'lock' to only allow for Location References in a Sub-Object.

Optional: Select which Object Type will be the default Object Type for the Location Reference of a Sub-Object.

Optional: Check the checkbox 'lock' to lock the selected Object Type for the Location References in a Sub-Object.

Optional: Select which Sub-Object of the selected Object Type will be the default Sub-Object for the Location Reference of a Sub-Object.

Optional: Check the checkbox 'lock' to lock the selected Sub-Object for the Location References in a Sub-Object.

Optional: Select the source of the Location Reference of a Sub-Object.

Sub-Object Descriptions  

Click the tab 'Descriptions' to configure the Sub-Object Descriptions.

Click 'add' to create new Sub-Object Descriptions.

Give the Sub-Object Description a name by entering a name.

The same kinds of data and options can be selected for a Sub-Object Description as for an Object Description. The only exceptions are the options for 'Multiple', 'Unique', and 'Identifier'. As a result of the multi-occurrence of Sub-Objects, these options are not available.

One additional kind of data is available for Sub-Object Descriptions: 'Object Description'. Select this to allow for a selected Object Description to re-occur in the Sub-Object.