Create Graph

The Scope allows you to create edges between the source nodes (Objects in the selection of the currently active Type) and target nodes (Objects referenced by the indicated path in the Scope).

The currently available algorithms are:

Degree CentralityThe number of links of one node to and from other nodes. More info.
Shortest pathThe distance between one or a group of nodes (From) to any or another (Target) node or a group of nodes. More info.

In nodegoat it is also possible to highlight node relevance within shortest paths; calculate shortest path with a mode of betweenness centrality.

Betweenness centralityThe number of times a node lies on the shortest paths between other nodes. More info.
Closeness centralityThe average of the length of the shortest paths between a node and all other nodes. More info.
Closeness eccentricityThe sum of the length of the shortest paths between a node and all other nodes. More info.
Clustering coefficientThe degree to which nodes cluster together. More info.
PagerankThe number and quality of links to a node to determine a rough estimate of its importance. More info.

When applicable to the alorithm you can indicate whether you want to use the graph's weight (weight being the total edge length between nodes based on duplicate edges):

To closenessEdges add to a shorter total edge length (lower weight).
To distanceEdges add to a longer total edge length (higher weight).