
Use Conditions to set conditional formatting rules for names of Objects, Categories, or Reversed Classifications, for Descriptions, or for nodes in visualisations.

Click the banner icon in the toolbar to open the Conditions settings. Sets of conditions can be stored by using the blue 'save' button. Click the green 'open' button to open a previously stored set of Conditions.

Specify conditions in the 'Name' tab to format the name of an Object, Category or Reversed Classification. Specify conditions in the tab 'Descriptions' to format Descriptions. Specify conditions in the tab 'Nodes' to format nodes in visualisations. Click the green 'add' button to add additional conditions. Click the red 'del' button to remove empty conditions. Click the blue 'filter' button to create a new filter or open an existing filter. If a filter is specified, the condition will only be applied when the filter yields a positive result.


Select 'Object' to apply the condition to the complete name. Select a Description that is used for the Object Name to apply the condition only to that part of the name. The name or part of the name can be formatted by specifying a 'Background Colour', 'Text Emphasis', and 'Text Colour'. Use Limit Text, Prefix Text, and Affix Text to add or remove text to the name. Specify a regular expression to match and replace pattern occurrences.


Select a Description on which a condition is to be applied. The Description can be formatted by specifying a 'Background Colour', 'Text Emphasis', and 'Text Colour'. Apply a regular expression to match and replace pattern occurrences. Check the checkbox 'Remove Value' to hide the Description.


In the tab 'Object' you can select 'Object' or a 'Sub-Object' on which the condition is to be applied. In the tab 'Cross-Referencing' you can select a relational Description on which the condition is to be applied. Add a label for a condition to include both the colour and label in the legend of visualisations.

Specify a 'Highlight Colour' that will colour the node. Check the checkbox 'Add value to default or previously set value' to apply multiple conditions to a single node.

Use the 'Multiply' input field to enter an amount with which the size of the node will be multiplied.  Select a Description that contains an integer or an Analysis to use its value for the multiplication. Check the checkbox 'Add value to default or previously set value' to apply multiple conditions to a single node.

Specify a 'Geometry Colour' or 'Geometry Stroke Colour' that will colour geometrical shapes.  

Upload a SVG file to be shown together with the node. Check the checkbox 'Add value to default or previously set value' to apply multiple conditions to a single node.