Social Visualisation

Click on the network icon to open the Social Visualisation.

The Social Visualisation displays links between Objects. The size of the node depicts the amount of links connected to the node, relative to the maximum amount of links connected to one node. The weight of the links depicts the number of connections between two nodes. The default layout of the Social Visualisation is based on the D3 implementation of a force directed graph. Use the drop-down menu on the right side of the visualisation to change the default layout 'D3 Force' to the 'ForceAtlas2' layout. Use the 'play' and 'stop' button to control the amount of iterations of the layout calculation.

Hover over a node to see the name of the node and an info box on the right side of the visualisation. Clicking on a node opens a popup that shows the data behind the node or path. Use the input field on the right side of the visualisation to find a specific node in the visualisation.