

To specify a default area for the geographical visualisation: fill in latitude and longitude values, or use the green 'map' button to select a location on the map. Set a default zoom level by specifying the scale of the geographical visualisation. Specify a minimum and maximum zoom level to control the amount of zoom levels.


Select an Object or Category to be used as the center of the Visualisation. Set a default zoom level by specifying the scale of the social visualisation. Specify a minimum and maximum zoom level to control the amount of zoom levels.


Limit the date slider by entering a boundary using the start date and end date input fields. Specify a default date selection by using the start date and end date input fields.

Missing or Incomplete Sub-Objects  

Specify how a missing date should be handled by selecting 'Ignore', 'Span Selection', 'Prefix Selection', or 'Affix Selection'. Specify how a missing location should be handled by selecting 'Ignore', or 'Equator'.