Click on the gear icon next to the export button to specify the export settings.
In the 'Select' tab you can specify the data that will be included in the export. Specify whether you want to include the nodegoat ID, Object ID, Name, Sources, and Analysis for each Object, Category, or Reversed Classification.
Select the Descriptions you want to include in the export. For relational Descriptions you can export both the name of the referenced Object or the ID of the referenced Object. Click the green 'add' button to add additional drop-down menus. Click the red 'del' button to remove empty drop-down menus.
Use the menu on the right side of the dialog to include data from referenced Types, Classifications, or Reversed Classifications. This functionality follows the same logic as the Scope functionality.
In the 'Format' tab you can set the format of the export file. Set 'Include Descriptions' to 'Yes' to include Object Descriptions, Sub-Objects, and Sub-Object Descriptions as headings.
Select 'CSV' as the export format to export data as a 'Comma Separated Values' file. Enter the character to be used as separator character in the 'Separator' input field (e.g. ,
, ;
, and ). The default value for the separator character is
. Enter the character to be used as enclosure character in the 'Enclose' input field (e.g. "
, '
). The default value for the enclosure character is is "
Select 'ODT' as the export format to export data as a 'OpenDocument Text' file. Set the 'Object Flow' option to 'Page Break' to generate a new page for each Object. Set the 'Object Flow' option to 'Continuous' to allow for multiple Objects on a single page.
Save, Open, and Run
Click the 'Save Export Settings' button in the bottom right corner of the dialog to save the export settings.
Click the blue 'save' button in the top left corner of the dialog to store the currently active export settings. Click the green 'open' button in the top left corner of the dialog to open a previously stored set of export settings.
Click the export button to run the export with the currently active export settings.