
Changing/contextualised attributes of an Object are described by Sub-Objects. By default, the diachronic spatial and social visualisations use the temporal and spatial data that has been entered as Sub-Objects.

The options shown for Sub-Objects depend on the configuration of your Data Model.

In case an Object Type is configured to contain Sub-Objects, the Editor for Sub-Objects will appear. Single Sub-Objects can be added by clicking the '+' button. Non-single Sub-Objects can be added by clicking the '+' button or the '++' button. The '++' button will open a popup that allows you to predefine multiple Sub-Objects.

Date / Period  

Sub-Objects can be dated by means of a point in time (a single date or a period), a reference to a date in a an other Sub-Object, or by means of Chronology Statements. Use the dropdown menu to select 'Point', 'Reference', or 'Chronology'. If the date is taken from another source, the date is not editable.


Based on the settings of the Sub-Object, you can either specify a period by means of Date Start and Date End or a single Date. The formats as specified for the Date Object Description are available. When a period can be specified, a checkbox is available to enable ongoing periods.


A date reference makes a link to a date stored in an other Sub-Object. To make the reference, select an Object Type and Sub-Object. Find the relevant Object by clicking the input field with the magnifying glass. Select the relevant Sub-Object by clicking the input field with the link.


Click the green 'create' button to create Chronology Statements. Based on the settings of the Sub-Object, you can either specify one set of Chronology Statements for a Date Point, or two sets of Chronology Statements for a Date Period.

Change 'Point' to 'Statement' to make a single Chronology Statement, or to 'Between Statements' to make two Chronology Statement for one date.

Optional: Set the offset amount of the statement in the first input field.

Optional: Select the offset unit of the statement in the first dropdown menu.

Optional: Click the grey 'cycle' button to set the Cycle of the statement. Select the cycle direction (see below) in the dropdown menu and use the input field with the magnifying glass to select a previously entered Cycle.

Select the date direction from the next dropdown menu. The following date directions are available:

Date Direction NameDate Direction Symbol
After Begin|>|
Before Begin<||
After End||>
Before End|<|

Use the final dropdown menu to select the date value type. Select 'Date' to input a date value in the input field. Select 'Reference' to make a link to another date, stored elsewhere. To make the reference, select an Object Type and Sub-Object. Find the relevant Object by clicking the input field with the magnifying glass. Select the relevant Sub-Object by clicking the input field with the link.


Sub-Objects can be located by means of a location reference (a relationship to another Object), by means of geometries (a GeoJSON value) or by means of a point (a latitude and longitude value). Use the dropdown menu to select 'Reference', 'Geometry' or 'Point'. If the location is taken from another source, the location is not editable.


To make the reference, select an Object Type and Sub-Object by means of the dropdown menus. Find the relevant Object by clicking the input field with the magnifying glass. Click the green 'new' button to add a new Object in the selected Object Type. Click the grey 'filter' button to select an Object by means of the filter functionality.

The location of the targeted Sub-Object of the referenced Object is used when the dates of both Sub-Objects overlap, or if the targeted Sub-Object of the referenced Object is configured as 'Single'.


Paste in GeoJSON data or click the green 'create' button to use an external service to create GeoJSON data. Any geographical feature that is part of the GeoJSON standard can be used. Any geographic coordinate system in the EPSG registry is supported and can be used interchangeably. By default nodegoat interprets data using the WGS84 geographic coordinate system (EPSG:4326).


Enter the latitude value in the first input field and the longitude data in the second input field, formatted as decimal degrees. nodegoat uses its default WGS84 geographic coordinate system (EPSG:4326) to store the generated geometry based on the latitude and longitude data points.