nodegoat Workshop in Düsseldorf 28-04-2016

CORE Admin
Düsseldorf, Assumulator / CC BY-SA 3.0

The tenth Historical Network Research workshop will be in Düsseldorf from 28-04-2016 to 30-04-2016. They have set up an exciting programme on the theme 'Fakten verknüpfen, Erkenntnisse gewinnnen? Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Historischer Netzwerkanalyse'.

On the first day, we will host a nodegoat workshop. This workshop will last half a day and is titled 'Advanced HNR' (it will run in parallel with an introductory historical network research workshop by Martin Stark). Since we only have half a day, we encourage participants who have not used nodegoat before to watch our three tutorials that cover basic functionalities of nodegoat.[....]

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Data modeling and database development for historians (slides)

CORE Admin

This week we gave a two-day workshop on data modeling and database development for historians. This workshop was part of the course Databases for young historians. This course was sponsored by the Huizinga Instituut, Posthumus Instituut, Huygens-ING  and the Amsterdam Centre for Cultural Heritage and Identity (ACHI, UvA) and was hosted by Huygens-ING.

We had a great time working with a group of historians who were eager to learn how to conceptualise data models and how to set up databases. We discussed a couple of common issues that come up when historians start to think in terms of 'data':

  • How to determine the scope of your research?
  • How to deal with unknown/uncertain primary source material?
  • How to use/import 'structured' data?
  • How to reference entries in a dataset and how to deal with conflicting sources?
  • How to deal with unique/specific objects in a table/type?

These points were taken by the horns (pun intended) when every participant went on to conceptualise their data model. To get a feel for classical database software (tables, primary keys, foreign keys, forms,  etc..), they set up a database in LibreOffice Base. Finally, each participant created their own data model in nodegoat and presented their model and first bits of data.[....]

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nodegoat Workshop at the Text Encoding Initiative Conference in Lyon 26-10-2015

CORE Admin

Cheveux © Marie-Jeanne Gauthé, via

During this year's Text Encoding Initiative Conference in Lyon, from 26 to 31 October 2015, we will host a nodegoat workshop. The workshop will last a full day and will take place on 26 October. Register here.

In this workshop we will support participants to employ explorative visualisations based on their own TEI data by means of nodegoat. A good example of how nodegoat can be used to create, manage, visualise, analyse and present structured data is the project on romantic nationalism by Joep Leerssen of the University of Amsterdam. The public interface of this collaborative research project can be consulted via, or read more about it in the brochure (PDF).[....]

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nodegoat Workshop at the Historical Network Conference in Lisbon on 16-9-2015

CORE Admin

nodegoat workshop at the eighth HNR workshop Vom Text zum Netzwerk und zurück. Über die Wechselwirkungen im historischen Forschungsprozess 5/6 April 2014.

During this year's Historical Network Research conference in Lisbon 15-18 September, we will host a nodegoat workshop. The title of this workshop is: Conceptualise and Set Up a Historical Network Research Workflow. We will focus on conceptualising a data model for your own research question and explore the possibilities of storing your data structurually and creating interactive space/time visualisations. The workshop will last a full day and will take place on 16 September.

As nodegoat is a web-based data modeling and management tool that is equiped with functionalities to produce time-aware network analytics and visualisations, it is well suited for historical network analysis.[....]

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Mapping Memory Landscapes in nodegoat, the Indonesian killings of 1965-66

CORE Admin

nodegoat is developed as a collaborative research environment that supports participatory research projects. To test its ability to combine various participatory roles with its ability to digest complex and heterogeneous data, we spent two weeks in Semarang, Indonesia working with a group of students to reveal an infrastructure of violence. These students interviewed survivors of state-sanctioned violence and entered the information they gathered directly into nodegoat. Based on these interviews, the students visited a number of sites and interviewed people who lived or worked on these sites. As the data came from personal accounts only, the visualisations that are produced in nodegoat can be characterised as memory landscapes. In this blog post we will describe both the process and the methodology of this project.

The Dutch Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD) has set up a cooperation with the Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata (UNIKA) in Semarang, Indonesia that aims to address the anti-communist/leftist violence of 1965-66 in Semarang and the following years. The project that has emerged from this cooperation, ‘Memory Landscapes and the Regime Change of 1965-66 in Semarang’, is led by dr. Martijn Eickhoff (NIOD) and has resulted in two workshops at the UNIKA University in Semarang organised by Donny Danardono. The first workshop took place in January 2013, the second workshop was held in June 2014. During these two workshops students from UNIKA collected data on anti-communist/leftist violence by combining oral history and anthropological site research. The data includes relations between people as well as locations connected to the events of 1965 and the following years (e.g. places of mob violence, temporary detention, interrogation, torture, murder and mass burial).  [....]

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