
@schambers3 Leuk, bedankt voor de heads up! We moeten kijken of het in onze agenda past.

@AnneBaillot Wicked! Next time we're aiming for page 1 ;-);-);-)

RT @Inge_vanVugt: #eRome @LAB1100 will present the project Mapping Notes and Nodes in Networks (in @nodegoat) see the results: http://t.co/

RT @PonteIneptique: #erome Work from Susanna de Beer is awesome, ample annotations, lexical and cultural one. Its potential impact is huge.

#eRome @MaciejEder Stylistic nearest neighbours + SNA = clustering of similar authors. Shows the break in style in Renaissance Latin texts.

#eRome Now @MaciejEder on computational stylistics for authorship attribution in Latin literature #distantreading

#eRome discussion: students tend to accept the authority of alternative scholarly sources (i.e. databases) over books.

#eRome Raspe talks about his planned Neo4j event based data model for the Zuccaro database #graphdatabase