
RT @PonteIneptique: #erome Work from Susanna de Beer is awesome, ample annotations, lexical and cultural one. Its potential impact is huge.

#eRome @MaciejEder Stylistic nearest neighbours + SNA = clustering of similar authors. Shows the break in style in Renaissance Latin texts.

#eRome Now @MaciejEder on computational stylistics for authorship attribution in Latin literature #distantreading

#eRome discussion: students tend to accept the authority of alternative scholarly sources (i.e. databases) over books.

#eRome Raspe talks about his planned Neo4j event based data model for the Zuccaro database #graphdatabase

RT @MaxKemman: @sonofmun @annettestr @RLUK_Mike No disagreement there! Integration of dig methods in existing practices is next step in mak…

#eRome Claudia Bolgia and Maurizio Campanelli show how written and visual evidence on medieval and early Renaissance Rome can be linked

Nevertheless, great that the project & website is running for over 10 years. Becoming a valuable relic in itself! #eRome

The Augustan Rome project is so old, it's built in Flash... Too bad for mobile/tablet users! #eRome #digitalhumanities #toolpreservation