#eRome Linking Evidence project has a good UX, clickable/browsable interface to explore texts, images, inscriptions http://medievalrome.eca.ed.ac.uk/
#eRome Linking Evidence project has a good UX, clickable/browsable interface to explore texts, images, inscriptions http://medievalrome.eca.ed.ac.uk/
#eRome explore collections of images and texts via an interactive map of Rome: http://www.medievalrome.eca.ed.ac.uk/maps/7280 #GIS #History
#eRome more on the project of Bolgia and Campanell: http://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/history-of-art/news-events/linking-evidence-a-digital-approach-to-medieval-and-early-renaissance Their tool: http://www.medievalrome.eca.ed.ac.uk
#eRome Claudia Bolgia and Maurizio Campanelli show how written and visual evidence on medieval and early Renaissance Rome can be linked
Nevertheless, great that the project & website is running for over 10 years. Becoming a valuable relic in itself! #eRome
The Augustan Rome project is so old, it's built in Flash... Too bad for mobile/tablet users! #eRome #digitalhumanities #toolpreservation
David Gilman Romano talks about 'hypothetical roads' in Augustan Rome. Interactive map here: http://digitalaugustanrome.org/map/#/rome/filter:0/ #eRome
The #eRome workshop has begun @_knaw NIAS Institute: https://www.nias.knaw.nl/workshops/calendar/workshop-events/e-rome-international-workshop-on-digital-humanities-rome Will try to live-tweet #digitalhumanities
@felwert So there is hope! ;-) #DHSummit15 #AcademicSpinOff
@Mareike2405 Looks like a thought-provoking programme!
RT @Mareike2405: CfP Reisestipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen zur Tagung "Digital Humanities Experiments" in Paris http://t.co/GB…
RT @AnneBaillot: Hey @LAB1100! Tomorrow I will show your dataviz of last week: http://correspsearch-test.nodegoat.net/viewer.p/4/136/scenario/1/geo/fullscreen in the presentation w/ my students @…
@AnneBaillot Cool! Thanks to correspSearch of course!
RT @dhgermany: Follow! e-Rome. International Workshop about Digital Humanities & Rome - eHumanities http://www.ehumanities.nl/e-rome-international-workshop-about-digital-humanities-rome/#.VPTFzPIs0SE.twitter #erome
Interesting layout @SeNeReKoProject for social/semantic network analysis. #dhd2015
RT @kol_t: HeidelTime Demonstration durch Jannik Strengen und Frank Fischer „Wann findet deutsche Literatur statt“ #dhd2015 http://t.co/zP…
Dunst/Laubrock introduce an XML-based "Graphic Narrative Markup Language" to analyse graphic novels #dhd2015 https://blogs.uni-paderborn.de/graphic-literature/
RT @schelbertgeorg: Forderung nach einer "digitalen Hermeneutik" bei den Historikern - Spannung steigt #dhd2015
@ps_tadler @sabine_seifert @stefandumont @nodegoat or: Wow, your data is clean, well structured and easily accessible!
.@ps_tadler @sabine_seifert @stefandumont Great access to correspSearch! An import @nodegoat of some data: http://correspsearch-test.nodegoat.net/viewer.p/4/136/scenario/1/geo/fullscreen #dhd2015
.@joewett has a wish for more events like the HistoInformatics workshop series. For the last workshop, see: http://t.co/OyaZ0pj8eq #dhd2015
.@joewett mentions the work of @gerbenzaagsma on the interpretative and hermeneutic work of the historian. #dhd2015
Zirker: multi-level/hierarchical annotation/tagging in literature. Deep mapping of texts? #dhd2015
Angelik Zirker on manual annotation of literary texts, see http://www.annotating-literature.org/ #dhd2015 #closereading
RT @ingoboerner: @GCDH "Graphen in schön" #DHd2015 ”
Trilcke/Fischer/Kampkaspar: on distant reading, 'as distant as it gets': a single overview of 671 network graphs of drama texts #dhd2015
.@FrueheNeuzeit über Autorität von computererzeugtem Wissen: Entitlement vs Justification, Tyler Burge http://www.jstor.org/stable/2676139 #dhd2015
@syaldisahude @Zainal78 Just saw your conversation. If you have any questions on nodegoat, please do ask!
RT @GretaFranzini: "CfP: Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities" Submit & join us @GCDH! We also have a cash prize! http://www.gcdh.de/en/events/gottingen-dialog-digital-humanities/…
@ErfGeo Haha, OK. We houden het in de gaten!