
RT @cosovschi: Si están armando una base de datos en el marco de una investigación, no me cansaré de recomendarles @nodegoat para facilitar…

RT @cosovschi: Si están armando una base de datos en el marco de una investigación, no me cansaré de recomendarles @nodegoat para facilitar…

RT @dissinvent: DISSINVENT a identifié pus de 30 fonds d'archives de dissidents et exilés d'Europe de l'Est venus en France après 1945. Not…

RT @angelalinghuang: ...aand mapped some textile stuff... Maps + textiles = Great friday! 🧵🌍❤️

@marnixvb @mmmenno @CREATE_UvA @webmappery @HuygensING Bedankt, het werkt weer!

@HxxxKxxx @ERC_Research @LMU_Muenchen @nodegoat Thanks! 4 years and over 20 people involved.

@mmmenno @CREATE_UvA @HuygensING OK! Enig idee wie daar over gaat? cc @marnixvb

RT @nep4dissent: #Nep4Dissent in cooperation with @LAB1100 invites to participate in a workshop series "Linking your Historical Sources to…

RT @PelagiosNetwork: New week = new partner! Today we welcome the good folks @nodegoat (and their goat-wranglers @LAB1100) as one of the la…

RT @PelagiosNetwork: New week = new partner! Today we welcome the good folks @nodegoat (and their goat-wranglers @LAB1100) as one of the la…

@nrchtct @nodegoat @lorenzo251193 @w3c Our implementation is based on logical operators, which would map to different ontologies when needed. We foresee @nodegoat ChronoJSON to be able to do what we want to do, and map to a generic ChronoJSON format for exchange, see https://nodegoat.net/guides/chronologystatements