#nodegoat internship 👇 https://twitter.com/gzornetta/status/1223160273978253314
#nodegoat internship 👇 https://twitter.com/gzornetta/status/1223160273978253314
RT @joewett: New post: CfP: Data for History 2020: Modelling Time, Space, Agents https://digihum.de/blog/2020/01/31/cfp-data-for-history-2020-modelling-time-space-agents/
RT @kaspargubler: Check out our usecase for the database migration from MS SQL server to nodegoat...👇
https://nodegoat.net/usecase.p/372.m/41/repertorium-academicum-germanicum---the-graduate-scholars-of-the-holy-roman-empire https://t.co…
RT @HNR_org: Out now: Call for papers for the 2020 Historical Network Research Conference at @C2DH_LU in Luxembourg.
We're thrilled to an…
RT @SonjaKmec: Cool graph: Which historical figures have been celebrated by means of portraits on European postage stamps? Using @nodegoat…
@waitmanb @PleiadesProject Yes, please send an email to support@nodegoat.net
To store your own list of locations in nodegoat, create a Type with a single sub-object which you can either fill in manually, by changing 'Location: Reference' to 'Location: Point', or import data into.
@waitmanb @PleiadesProject You can then use these locations in any other Type as location reference (3/3)
@waitmanb @PleiadesProject You can connect these column headings to your data model with an import template in nodegoat. For this to work, your gazetteer Type in nodegoat needs a sub-object that can host these locations (this auto-generates the lat/long elements) (2/3)
@waitmanb Happy to help! To give an example: if you have a CSV file like this sample from a @PleiadesProject dump http://atlantides.org/downloads/pleiades/dumps/ (1/3)
RT @hild_de: Full-day workshop on analyzing historical datasets with @nodegoat @HuygensING Jan 16 - #SNA #DH #digitalhistory https://t.co/h…
RT @hild_de: Full-day workshop on analyzing historical datasets with @nodegoat @HuygensING Jan 16 - #SNA #DH #digitalhistory https://t.co/h…
RT @technetempire: and our project @nodegoat
Thanks to Prof. Rafael Moreira @CentroCham and Prof. Beatriz Bueno for organising the sessio…
RT @abbysgondek: New Developments in Holocaust Studies and the Digital Humanities http://abbysgondek.com/2019/11/18/new-developments-in-holocaust-studies-and-the-digital-humanities/
RT @technetempire: Ongoing now: @nodegoat Workshop provided by @LAB1100 team / a partnership @technetempire project from @CentroCham with L…
RT @ihc_fcsh: O próximo workshop de #HumanidadesDigitais é já na próxima semana, nos dias 5 e 6!
Será dedicado à Plataforma @nodegoat, tend…
RT @RAG_online: RAG-Treffen mit dem Projekt Padova2022 zum Jubiläum @UniPadova 1222-2022. Pierreluigi Terenzi stellt die neue Datenbank des…
Looking for a Google Fusion Tables alternative? In #nodegoat you can define and link multiple tables and run visualisations instantly.
ℹ️ Learn how to work with #nodegoat by following the Guides: https://nodegoat.net/guides/
➡️ Get a #nodegoat account here: https://nodegoat.net/requestaccount https://twitter.com/OpenLinkArtData/status/1183650862599671808
RT [abbr=]@laboratorio_ihc[/abbr]: No próximo mês teremos o Workshop: Introdução às Análises de Redes (SDN) e à Plataforma Nodegoat, em parceria com o P…
The @ERC_SKILLNET project uses #nodegoat as a collaborative research environment and shows how the data can be embedded as interactive visualisations 👇 https://twitter.com/Dirk_van_Miert/status/1182631550975918085
nodegoat 7.3 is here: https://nodegoat.net/release 🐐
With support from @RAG_online, @GhentCDH, @SPIN_ERNiE, @DiSSGeA_UniPD.
More info: https://nodegoat.net/blog.s/34/release-of-nodegoat-73
RT @RAG_online: Biografische Ereignisse mit ungenauen oder fehlenden Datumsangaben: kein Problem für @nodegoat, das neu fuzzy dates differe…
Running on their #nodegoat environment with over 60k medieval scholars and over 350k events.
You can query the data here: https://rag-online.org/datenbank/abfrage https://twitter.com/RAG_online/status/1161198106395971586
RT @technetempire: Already in the calendar!
"06-11-2019, nodegoat workshop at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Faculty of Social a…
@DavidUnderdown9 @aboutgeo @RAG_online @kgeographer @WHGazetteer That was our point of departure, but we want to offer users the ability to position objects in time by using their own cycle statements and relational before/after/span statements. ChronoJSON is the framework in which EDTF can be used for its main purpose of date notation.
@aboutgeo @RAG_online @kgeographer @WHGazetteer As for documentation: we're writing new guides at the moment and will publish documentation with the next nodegoat release.
@aboutgeo @RAG_online Database specific IDs could be swapped for URIs and those attributes can be made more generic. Data can be published as JSON-LD and can obviously be translated to other annotations. We briefly spoke to @kgeographer @ #DH2019 about publishing data as GeoJSON-T to feed @WHGazetteer
@aboutgeo @RAG_online ChronoJSON is born out of a need for a concise and readable format for user generated dates that are both relational and complex. We're very interested in getting input on this and see whether it can be applied elsewhere.
Presentations of @nodegoat projects on socialist disco culture, book distribution networks, samizdat bibliographies, Russian poets, subversive Romanian groups, i.a. Created during an intensive 7-day summer university organised by @nep4dissent at @CEU
When people ask us "how do you visualise uncertainty?", we usually respond with "how do you store your uncertainty?" Finally there's no need for circa, around, and 1867??? anymore!
@RAG_online You can now experiment with these features on http://nodegoat.net, using your own data model. Let us know if you have any feedback! (4/4)