
RT @hild_de: Full-day workshop on analyzing historical datasets with @nodegoat @HuygensING Jan 16 - #SNA #DH #digitalhistory https://t.co/h

RT @hild_de: Full-day workshop on analyzing historical datasets with @nodegoat @HuygensING Jan 16 - #SNA #DH #digitalhistory https://t.co/h

RT @technetempire: and our project @nodegoat
Thanks to Prof. Rafael Moreira @CentroCham  and Prof. Beatriz Bueno for organising the sessio…

RT @technetempire: Ongoing now: @nodegoat Workshop provided by @LAB1100 team / a partnership @technetempire project from @CentroCham with L…

RT @ihc_fcsh: O próximo workshop de #HumanidadesDigitais é já na próxima semana, nos dias 5 e 6!
Será dedicado à Plataforma @nodegoat, tend…

RT @RAG_online: RAG-Treffen mit dem Projekt Padova2022 zum Jubiläum @UniPadova 1222-2022. Pierreluigi Terenzi stellt die neue Datenbank des…

RT [abbr=]@laboratorio_ihc[/abbr]: No próximo mês teremos o Workshop:  Introdução às Análises de Redes (SDN) e à Plataforma Nodegoat, em parceria com o P…

RT @RAG_online: Biografische Ereignisse mit ungenauen oder fehlenden Datumsangaben: kein Problem für @nodegoat, das neu fuzzy dates differe…

RT @technetempire: Already in the calendar!

"06-11-2019, nodegoat workshop at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Faculty of Social a…

@DavidUnderdown9 @aboutgeo @RAG_online @kgeographer @WHGazetteer That was our point of departure, but we want to offer users the ability to position objects in time by using their own cycle statements and relational before/after/span statements. ChronoJSON is the framework in which EDTF can be used for its main purpose of date notation.

@aboutgeo @RAG_online @kgeographer @WHGazetteer As for documentation: we're writing new guides at the moment and will publish documentation with the next nodegoat release.

@aboutgeo @RAG_online Database specific IDs could be swapped for URIs and those attributes can be made more generic. Data can be published as JSON-LD and can obviously be translated to other annotations. We briefly spoke to @kgeographer @ #DH2019 about publishing data as GeoJSON-T to feed @WHGazetteer

@aboutgeo @RAG_online ChronoJSON is born out of a need for a concise and readable format for user generated dates that are both relational and complex. We're very interested in getting input on this and see whether it can be applied elsewhere.

@RAG_online The researchers of @RAG_online will use this feature to describe immatriculations, graduations, and careers of medieval scholars based on verbose date statements (3/4)

@RAG_online By defining your own cycles (spring, sommersemester, etc.) and adding additional statements, you can be very precise in defining the vagueness, ambiguity, or sequence of your dates (2/4)

Soft-launch of a new #nodegoat functionality, developed for @RAG_online: complex and relational dating to specify ranges of uncertainty.

Example: this feature can be used to calculate a date of a letter when you only know the letter was sent in between two other letters (1/4)

RT @DeamonsNetwork: Dennj Solera (BO2022, University of Padua), with Paola Molino and Andrea Caracausi, on “800 years of Patavina libertas.…

Halfway through the #digitalhumanities summer school at the @ceu, organised by @nep4dissent. Lots of great #nodegoat projects being set up!

@sparkyc84 Yes, best to remove them with a multi-delete operation. Select the objects you want to remove, click the grey 'multi' button at the right top corner of your objects overview and click the red 'd' button.

RT @nep4dissent: This is the map representing the participants of the @nep4dissent summer school in #digitalhumanities prepared in @nodegoa…

RT @nep4dissent: Visualisation of geographical locations mentioned in #RadioFreeEurope Background reports (1967-1991), extracted with @CLAR…