
On January 22 we will organise a nodegoat workshop together with the GRACPE project (Grup de Recerca sobre l'Arqueologia de la Complexitat i els Processos d'Evolució social) at the Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona.

Venue: Sala Jane Adams (Carrer de Montalegre, 6). Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona.
Time: 22/01/25 9.00 to 12.00.

Free entry, no registration needed. For further information please contact: sd.prehistoria.arqueologia@ub.edu


New #nodegoat use case in which Sietske van der Veen includes a description on how she used nodegoat "as a modern sort of card index"

"[nodegoat enabled] me to flip through my data and sort information quickly and accurately. In this way, I was able to see at a glance which topics deserve further inquiry [...]"

Read the use case 'Patterns of Upward Social Mobility and Integration among the Jewish Dutch Elite' here:

You can learn more about the PhD research project of Sietske van der Veen at the European Association for Jewish Studies Digital Forum next week on Wednesday 11 September between 11:00 and 12:30 CET. More information and registration via this link: https://www.eurojewishstudies.org/homepage-announcements/eajs-digital-forum-eajs-digital-jour-fixe/

Explore other use cases here: https://nodegoat.net/usecases

On June 5, the Digital Humanities and Data Science Lab of the Universität Bern together with the Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) and the Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE) of the Universität Basel organise a nodegoat Day. There will be a hands-on nodegoat session in the morning and a set of presentations on nodegoat projects in the afternoon.

More info about registration and the programme can be found here: https://www.dh.unibe.ch/dienstleistungen/nodegoat_go/workshop_fs_2024_nodegoat_day_2024/index_ger.html

Register for the nodegoat Workshop ‘Introduction to historical data analysis and visualisation’ organised by the department of Southeast European History and Anthropology at the University of Graz. The workshop takes place on Friday 22 March 2024 between 10:00 and 16:30. This is an in-person event and registration is required. Registration deadline is 18 March.


InfraVis training: Introduction to nodegoat

Time: March 7, 2024 at 13.00-16.00
Location: 4-0027 Engelska parken, Uppsala University

In this workshop, we will learn the basics of nodegoat, a data management, network analysis and visualisation tool that can be used in a wide range of research projects across social science and humanities domains. nodegoat allows researchers working with different kinds of data (temporal, textual, spatial), building their own data models, as well as analyzing and capturing various sort of relationships between the entities.


Archival Workshop: Against the Persuasion of the Colonial Archive, hosted by CUNY Graduate Center. Andrea Pérez González of Radboud University organises a workshop that addresses the issues surrounding the colonial archive from a critical and practical perspective. The workshop will include a demonstration of nodegoat as a tool to create and analyse modular archives. The workshop is hosted by the Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures (LAILAC) at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The workshop takes place at the Graduate Center on Monday, March 11 between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm.



Learning lots about the growing functionalities of @nodegoat - the relational web-based data management & network & geospatial visualization platform of @LAB1100, w/ support of @ClariahV

Full day of #nodegoat workshops at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities: a beginners workshop in the morning and a workshop for more advanced users in the afternoon. Great questions about data modelling, IIIF integrations, vague dates, and data publications.

📷 GhentCDH