
RT @kintopp: @HxxxKxxx @nodegoat The functionality in Nodegoat has grown tremendously over the last few years and is impressive. It’s acces…

RT @SThurigen: @HxxxKxxx @nodegoat Ich habe keine Erfahrungen mit nodegoat in der Lehre, habe aber damit Anfang des Jahres eine Netzwerkana…

RT @kaspargubler: @miriamkp I use @nodegoat, where you can first create your own data model, fill it with data and finally visualize it. Th…

@HxxxKxxx In nodegoat you can collaboratively create and populate a database (manually or importing CSV files). You then dynamically generate graphs and calculate betweenness centrality, PageRank, etc. Just get in touch to get your hosted environment up and running.

RT @kaspargubler: Got funding for #datarecycling. An rather old database (Access 97) from a former project with 53k new citizens in 9k plac…

RT @kaspargubler: @matthewdlincoln We did a full migration of our 50k medieval scholars database from MS SQL 2005 to MySQL, the database of…

RT @FAM_history: After an intense day of training with @LAB1100 we finalized the data model. Now the data entry process can start!

RT @Inge_vanVugt: This Wednesday I will give a talk about early modern correspondence networks, starring Antonio Magliabechi (1633-1714) -…

RT @DH_Humanist: Unsere Teilnehmer*innen lernen heute #markdown, #annotieren und #nodegoat! Wir freuen uns auf unseren Workshop in Münster…

RT @DH_Humanist: Unsere Teilnehmer*innen lernen heute #markdown, #annotieren und #nodegoat! Wir freuen uns auf unseren Workshop in Münster…

RT @kaspargubler: Workshop an der Universität @unibern zur virtuellen Forschungsumgebung @nodegoat für die Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwiss…

RT @GrandjeanMartin: [#DigitalHistory] "The Networks of Intellectual Cooperation"
My PhD thesis about historical network analysis is (final…

RT @fabian_cremer: Datenpublikation in den #Geisteswissenschaften? Wie das? Mehr dazu in unserem neuen Artikel: Redaktionssache Forschungsd…

RT @ERC_SKILLNET: And the results! We did almost all letters of Ms 986. Gouda, The Hague and Leiden were the most important cities in his c…

RT @ERC_SKILLNET: We will be putting the metadata of Ms 986, containing letters by John Morris, Joannes de Laet and the brothers Amelis and…