Blog: #GRIMMWELT museum installation by us @nodegoat. #dataviz 20k letters of Brothers Grimm
Blog: #GRIMMWELT museum installation by us @nodegoat. #dataviz 20k letters of Brothers Grimm
#TEI meets @nodegoat at the next TEI Conference in Lyon! nodegoat workshop on 26 October:
Working w in Vienna on a DB on national movements in Europe. Supervised by Kaiser Franz Josef!
#HNR2015 Good reflective network presentations on congress participants by Thomas D’Haeninck & Lisa van Diem of TIC
@martenduering Thanks! But... #AdventureTime #EarlofLemongrab
#HNR2015 Surprisingly, seamen and prostitutes were over-represented :)
#HNR2015 Now Yannis Gonatidis on analysing sexually transmitted diseases in 19th century Greece by means of social network analysis
#HNR2015 Sessions have started. Programme here:
RT @asantiagofaria: Everyone working hard #nodegoat @nodegoat workshop Lisboa
RT @delfinietois: In Lisbon, enjoying the #HNR2015 and learning an awful lot about @nodegoat!
RT @martenduering: Pls note: @nodegoat & @HerrRudolf offer #sna #netivs training f historians @ Historical Network Research conf 2015 http:…
Setup and first demo at #grimmwelt museum ( #datavis of 20.000 letters of the brothers Grimm.
RT @HNR_org: [HNR] [HNR] Workshops at this year's Historical Network Research Conference, Lisbon 15.-18.9..
RT @MaxKemman: Journal of Open Humanities Data looks great Yes to more #opendata in #digitalhumanities!
RT @asantiagofaria: @nodegoat at #CHAM2015 19th century Macau & Timor Public works
.@nodegoat workshop at the Historical Network Research conference in Lisbon on 16-9-2015:
RT @ClaudineMoulin: Call for Papers für die #DHd2016 in Leipzig ist offen (Deadline15. 9. 2015), wir freuen uns auf Eure Teilnahme! http://…
#digitalhumanities course with a first class programme: by @CDHTrier & @uni_lu (via @MaxKemman)
.@MaxKemman @Parthenos_EU @CLARINERIC @DARIAHeu
RT @xmacex: People doing (social) network analysis; what are you thinking about Bruno Latour's actor-network theory? #sna #ant #digitalhuma…
@MaxKemman @silvertje @marnixvb @marijnkoolen + @martenduering talking to us through Skype!
RT @silvertje: Workshop Historical Network Analysis. Hopefully going to learn @nodegoat
RT @SPIN_ERNiE: 2008 #Spinoza Laureate Joep Leerssen's Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe now going public…
Collaboratively written/edited by 300+ authors/editors in @nodegoat, introducing a new public user interface #trailblazing
We're building an encyclopedia, launched today by Joep Leerssen (
@scott_bot @nodegoat Yes. Also includes cell-level provenance for both sources & version (changes per user)
Our hero from Brabant, playing a Zealander, as a personification of the Dutch identity... #dhbenelux
@brandaen @marijnkoolen pretty cool indeed :)
@melvinwevers @marijnkoolen @sclaeyssens @MaxKemman nah, already requires too many fingers, simultaniously!
Relevant and important contribution to DH research by @MaxKemman & @MartijnKleppe #dhbenelux