We collected our work of the past ten years in an interactive visualisation (👉 https://lab1100.com/onedecade) that we also sent out as a card 👇
We collected our work of the past ten years in an interactive visualisation (👉 https://lab1100.com/onedecade) that we also sent out as a card 👇
We are grateful for all the exciting projects that we have been involved in, and for being able to collaborate with so many inspiring people.
We look forward to continuing to work together with scholars from all over the world to deliver trailblazing research software.
This year we celebrate our 10 year anniversary as LAB1100!
RT @kaspargubler: It was in inspiring @nodegoat Day @unibe today...presentations on @nodegoat from projects in history, archaeology, philos…
RT @ih_pan: Nasi koledzy, dr Melchior Jakubowski i dr @PaneckiTomasz prezentują dziś projekt "Jezuici Wschodu? Sieć artystyczna zakonu baz…
RT @VandommeleJJM: De contacten van #Huygens gevisualiseerd! @Dirk_van_Miert @huygens_knaw over de database CEN.
RT @PirehP1: 📢 RDV vendredi 9 décembre pour découvrir @nodegoat, un logiciel idéal pour les bases de données historiques, et pour discuter…
RT @A_Kub_Schn: @AlAt_GodsPeople will use #NodeGoat to visualize the #network of the worshippers of Allat and Atargatis and #maps the spre…
RT @Dirk_van_Miert: Even 'n teaser voor het grote @HuygensFamilie brievenfestijn in de @KB_Nederland, vrij. 2 dec: een @LAB1100 visualisati…
New #nodegoat use case in which Sven Ködel (@KodelSven) shows how he has mapped a large-scale survey by correspondence of the languages and dialects spoken in the Napoleonic Empire https://nodegoat.net/usecase.p/372.m/61/analysing-languages-and-dialects-spoken-in-the-napoleonic-empire
Explore all the use cases here: https://nodegoat.net/usecases
Join the @unibern nodegoat Day to learn more about how #nodegoat is used as a service for research and teaching. This year's event also involves presentations from various other #nodegoat projects.
Friday December 2, programme and registration: https://histdata.hypotheses.org/nodegoat-day-2022
RT @cvbrugg: Mobility of 1366 diplomats. Powered by @nodegoat and @gerthuskens
RT @PirehP1: Comment les outils numériques changent notre perception de l'histoire ?
Nous en discuterons au séminaire Sciences des données…
RT @TobyBurrows: Recently published: "A Tale of Two Collectors: Using nodegoat to Map the Connections Between the Manuscript Collections of…
RT @kaspargubler: I use the reconciliation feature of @nodegoat to find places and graduations in medieval suppliques... based on my vocabu…
At #TUC22
Great presentation by @vivien_popken on the #CitizenScience project of the @fgho_eu that has delivered a very impressive dataset on #Hanserezesse
Extensive Guide on on setting up this connection: https://nodegoat.net/guide.s/136/ingest-transcription-data-from-transkribus
Guide on Reconciliation Processes: https://nodegoat.net/guide.s/145/reconcile-textual-data
Guide on Reconciling Named Entities (e.g. tags in transcriptions): https://nodegoat.net/guide.s/155/reconcile-named-entities
You can find the slides of the presentation here: https://lab1100.com/tuc22pres and the walk through document here: https://lab1100.com/tuc22doc
Great to see the first results of our #TUC22 workshop 'Connect Transkribus to nodegoat: enrich transcriptions in a web-based research environment for the humanities'!
👇 https://twitter.com/vivien_popken/status/1575476249891573760
RT @DH_Potsdam: 6/8 #DHJewish2022 Challenge #5 | "Mapping Weimar Jewish Berlin" ➡️ Capturing the social and cultural fabric of Yiddish, Heb…
Launch event tomorrow 23/9 in Amsterdam at @SPUI25: https://spui25.nl/programma/gevoelsnationalisme
We used the @nodegoat API to query 'ERNiE' for all the lemmata that were ready for publication. We converted the JSON output to XML files for the typesetting process.
You can explore the online version of the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe here:
This is a custom styled @nodegoat public user interface showcasing the work of more than a decade of data collection and data curation.
Launch of the second edition of this publication that was written in @nodegoat by over 300 authors, edited by Joep Leerssen of @SPIN_ERNiE / @UvA_Humanities https://twitter.com/AmsterdamUPress/status/1572496067043663875
Join the 'Viabundus Applied' event today to see how you can use #nodegoat to calculate and visualise weighted betweenness centrality of the nodes in the @theroadsproject route network https://twitter.com/theroadsproject/status/1572505818658115584
If you're interested in using #nodegoat for your text based projects, join our workshop next week at the @Transkribus User Conference to learn how to transfer your transcription data to #nodegoat
This visualisation was generated by tagging French place names in 'Gedenkboek van den oorlog in 1870 en 1871' published in @dbnl (https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/snie001gede01_01/index.php)
New Guide on Reconciliation Processes in #nodegoat! Learn how to transform textual data into relationships by means of language-agnostic pattern matches
#SpatHum2022 @bertspaan presents #iiif georeferencer service http://allmaps.org. Excited to explore the rendered xyz tiles in @nodegoat projects!