@GretaFranzini @schelbertgeorg @wikidata @GCDH API: https://wdq.wmflabs.org/api_documentation.html or use the SPARQL-endpoint, e.g.: http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island
@GretaFranzini @schelbertgeorg @wikidata @GCDH API: https://wdq.wmflabs.org/api_documentation.html or use the SPARQL-endpoint, e.g.: http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island
@mia_out self-promo: http://nodegoat.net lets you create interactive diachronic mappings, like http://mnn.nodegoat.net/viewer.p/1/47/scenario/18/geo
Auch interessant für #DHd2016 nodegoat WorkshopteilnehmerInnen: http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/13/data-modeling-and-database-development-for-historians-slides #Modellierung #Vernetzung #Visualisierung
How to model your data? Slides of our workshop on data modeling and database development for historians:
@miriamkp @matthewdlincoln @ProgHist Some queries that might help you in our post on using Linked Data in @nodegoat: http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island
Complete (draft) programme of the first conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries http://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/research/networks/digital-humanities/news-and-events/events/2016/digital-humanities-in-the-nordic-countries.html @DHiNorden #DHOslo
Slides of our workshop on data modeling and database development for historians:
http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/13/data-modeling-and-database-development-for-historians-slides #digitalhumanities #twitterstorians
This seems like a neat event https://twitter.com/CSVConference/status/692523398774308864
RT @TobyBurrows: Using @nodegoat for visualisations https://twitter.com/lararatnaraja/status/691943092577030144
Today & tomorrow we give a workshop to 20 historians on data modeling & database dev. @HuygensING #digitalhumanities
So now there are letters from 1800 BCE and 1800 CE in @nodegoat https://twitter.com/MarineAssyrio/status/689800156502478848
RT : Ancient Near East cities where letters have been written in Old Babylonian drg 18c. BC. So many! [abbr=nodegoat]@nodegoat @LAB1100 http…
CfP Historical and Archaeological Network Research session at #EUSN2016: http://eusn2016.sciencesconf.org/89651 (14-17 June, Paris) via @HNR_org
RT @viola_lasmana: CFP: Digital Disruption in Asia: Methods and Issues, KITLV, Leiden http://www.kitlv.nl/digitalasia
nodegoat workshop at #DHd2016 in Leipzig: http://www.dhd2016.de/Workshops only 5 places remaining. Also, beeilen Sie sich!
Next week's @eHumanities meeting, we co-present 19th c. networks of transnational activists http://www.ehumanities.nl/chris-leonards-nico-randeraad-university-maastricht-and-pim-van-bree-geert-kessels-lab1100/
RT @whiseworkshop: 1st Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web - WHiSe
@whiseworkshop - http://whise.kmi.open.ac.uk #eswc2016 #whise2016
@ARockenberger Proposals pending for #DHN2016 & #dhd2016 or mail info@lab1100.com to organise your own :)
RT @UrbanHistoryCan: CFP: Historical Geography and GIS network- Social Science History Association - November 2016, Chicago https://t.co/GA…
RT @HNR_org: [HNR] Einfuehrung in die historische Netzwerkforschung - Muenchen 03/16 http://ift.tt/1uWIb2f
Use your @Zotero library in @nodegoat using Zotero's API, looking for feedback: http://historicalnetworkresearch.org/forums/topic/zotero-via-api/ #digitalhumanities
Seasonal greetings from The Hague 🎅😄
Two days left to apply! Course "Databases for young historians" 25-27 Jan, The Hague @HuygensING http://www.create.humanities.uva.nl/blog/course-databases-for-young-historians/ #digitalhumanities
@dynamicsTutor Please send an e-mail to info@lab1100.com
New @nodegoat project starts at @GhentCDH on women editors and socio-cult. change in Europe http://www.wechanged.ugent.be/
Build a harbour, airport, start a space program, on Curation Island http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island #LOD #digitalhumanities
Leave your curated island. Make datasets shareable through Linked Data in @nodegoat http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island #dh
Featuring @GhentCDH @matthewdlincoln @Inge_vanVugt @FreeMetadata, @britishmuseum @KBNLresearch @GettyMuseum @wikidata & Curation Island
Linked Data tutorial: How to enhance the interoperability of your own data in @nodegoat http://nodegoat.net/blog.s/12/linked-data-vs-curation-island #LOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ_E0hupFUQ
RT @DHBenelux: CFP #dhbenelux published! http://www.dhbenelux.org/ Deadline 31 Jan 2016. #digitalhumanities conference 9&10 June 2016 in Belv…