
Today & tomorrow we give a workshop to 20 historians on data modeling & database dev. @HuygensING #digitalhumanities

RT : Ancient Near East cities where letters have been written in Old Babylonian drg 18c. BC. So many! [abbr=nodegoat]@nodegoat @LAB1100 http…

@ARockenberger Proposals pending for #DHN2016 & #dhd2016 or mail info@lab1100.com to organise your own :)

RT @UrbanHistoryCan: CFP: Historical Geography and GIS network- Social Science History Association - November 2016, Chicago https://t.co/GA

Featuring @GhentCDH @matthewdlincoln @Inge_vanVugt @FreeMetadata, @britishmuseum @KBNLresearch @GettyMuseum @wikidata & Curation Island

RT @DARIAHbe: Hearing about @nodegoat as the technology behind #Diane  #dariahbe @LAB1100

RT @DARIAHbe: Hearing about @nodegoat as the technology behind #Diane  #dariahbe @LAB1100

RT @flynam: Van Bree and Kessels #VHNIreland a very brave @nodegoat live demo!

RT @pipwillcox: Visualizations come "out of the box" with @nodegoat—so you can see your data without requiring more technical expertise. #d…