Use nodegoat to create new datasets collaboratively or alone. Explore data by means of spatial and temporal visualisations. The built-in network analysis tools reveal patterns and central nodes.
The Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften organises a nodegoat workshop on Thursday 20 March between 09.30 and 17.00 in Vienna. You can learn more about the event and registration process here.
Thanks to Nirvana Silnovic for organising this event.
Two opportunities to learn more about using nodegoat for your research projects!
On January 22 we will organise a nodegoat workshop together with the GRACPE project (Grup de Recerca sobre l'Arqueologia de la Complexitat i els Processos d'Evolució social) at the Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona. The venue will be Sala Jane Adams (Carrer de Montalegre, 6) and the workshop will take place on January 22 between 9AM and noon. The entry is free and no registration is needed. For further information please contact:
Thanks to Maria Del Rocio Da Riva Muñoz for organising this event.
Publish your project with the new data publication module. nodegoat users can now select any project to generate a data publication that is web-accessible and downloadable as a ZIP-file. By generating a new publication a Project's data model and all of its data are published and archived. The publication remains accessible also when new publications are generated at a later stage.
Publications are stand-alone self-containing archives which include both the HTML-interface to the data model as well as all of its data in both JSON and CSV.
Join us on April 11 between 10:00 and 13:00 for a nodegoat workshop at the Centre for Digital Humanities of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF-DH) in Barcelona. The workshop is organised as part of the "Premodern Digital Textualities" series. This is an in-person event. You can find more about the workshop via this link and you can register here.
Thanks to Marija Blašković for organising this event.[....]
CORE Admin[Squelette du Bouc d'Angora.] : [dessin] / [Buvée del.], Dessin pour Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, par M. de Buffon. 1755, BnF Gallica
Together with the department of Southeast European History and Anthropology at the University of Graz we will run a workshop with the title ‘Introduction to historical data analysis and visualisation’ on Friday 22 March 2024. The workshop takes place between 10:00 and 16:30. This is an in-person event and registration is required. Registration deadline is 18 March.
Andrea Pérez González of Radboud University organises a workshop that addresses the issues surrounding the colonial archive from a critical and practical perspective. The workshop will include a demonstration of nodegoat as a tool to create and analyse modular archives. The workshop is hosted by the Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures (LAILAC) at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The workshop takes place at the Graduate Center on Monday, March 11 between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
Click here for more information and for registering.
Elif Derin-Can of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi organises a nodegoat workshop on March 2 within the framework of the Digital Ottoman Studies initiative. You can read more about this here and register via this link.[....]
Together with the Research School Political History we will run a workshop with the title ‘Data management and analysis for historical research in nodegoat’ on 23 October 2023. The workshop takes place between 10:00 and 17:00 at the Oost-Indisch Huis in Amsterdam. This is an in-person event and registration is required. Registration deadline is 9 October.
Thanks to the Allmaps project, it is now possible to use any map that has been published as a IIIF image as a background map in your geographic visualisations in nodegoat.
The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a set of open standards for publishing digital objects, maintained by a consortium of cultural institutions. The list of institutions that publish their digitised maps as IIIF images is constantly growing. This overview provides a number of examples of available resources. The David Rumsey Map Collection also contains a large number of maps that have been published as IIIF images.
nodegoat Users have been able to use (historical) maps that are published as XYZ-tiles. We have now updated our Guide 'Use a Historical Map' to describe the steps you need to take to use IIIF images as a background map for your geographic visualisations in nodegoat. The Guide uses an example of a historical map published in the Digital Collections of Leiden University Libraries.
On Wednesday 11 October 2023 we will run a nodegoat Workshop at Stockholm University. The workshop will take place between 10.00 and 16.30 at Bergsmannen, Stockholm University. This is an in-person event and registration is required. Registration deadline is 27 September.
The Scope functionality is used throughout nodegoat to traverse your data model and select elements to be included in a visualisation, analysis, or export. With the Scope, you can limit or expand your data selection. In a prosopographical analyses you might want to include all educational institutes related to one person, plus all the relations of these institutes, while omitting all other personal relations of a person. Follow this Guide to learn how to configure a Scope.
Chronology Statements that you make in nodegoat allow you to specify what you mean by a statement like 'circa'. Instead of using qualitative statements about vagueness, Chronology Statements provide you with a way of making quantitative statements about vagueness. Chronology Statements also allow you to make relational date statements: 'the date point is between the sending of letter X and the sending of letter Y'. Follow this Guide to learn how to store uncertain dates by using Chronology Statements and follow this Guide to learn how to store relational dates by using Chronology Statements.
The temporally-aware dynamic network analysis functionality makes the temporal options offered by the Chronology Statements available on any level of a Scope. This allows you to apply and pass temporality to time-bound connections in any of a Scope's paths. The dates from Chronology Statements can be sourced from every step in the traversal: ascendant or descendant nodes, and combinations. Selected configurations can be applied on any/all of the connections/edges: outbound or inbound directionality, and combinations.
Example: Academic Connections
With this functionality it is now possible to dynamically generate networks of people who attended the same educational institute at the same time, without specifying any dates in a filter. The temporally-aware dynamic network analysis functionality applies the initial date on every other relationship that appears on a specified path:
Two persons shown having an overlapping academic connection out of four persons.
The obvious benefit of this approach is the scalability of this functionality, as it allows you to quickly scrutinise complex networks based on time-bound connections:[....]
This year the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) has set up a nodegoat Grow installation to service two multi-year research projects. The project 'Die Produktion von Weltwissen im Umbruch' uses nodegoat to analyse the globalisation of knowledge production by mapping the development of Area Studies and Global Studies in the German context over the past 15 years. The project 'African non-military conflict intervention practices' uses nodegoat to build a comprehensive database of non-military interventions since 2004 by the African Union and by Regional Economic Communities.
As a result of this collaboration, the ReCentGlobe initiative organises a public nodegoat workshop within the framework of the Digital Lab infrastructure. The workshop will take place at the ReCentGlobe institute on 25 July 2023. More information about the programme and registration can be found here.
Last week we had two fruitful nodegoat workshop sessions at the University of Barcelona, organised by the GRACPE research group.
January 15 from 9:30 to 12:00: "Fonti da analizzare e dati da visualizzare: l’uso degli strumenti digitali nella ricerca storica" Presentation by Matteo Calcagni on using nodegoat for historical research. More info via:
On January 23 we will organise a nodegoat workshop together with the project 'Narremas y Mitemas: Unidades de Elaboración Épica e Historiográfica' at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras | Universidad de Zaragoza
On January 22 we will organise a nodegoat workshop together with the GRACPE project (Grup de Recerca sobre l'Arqueologia de la Complexitat i els Processos d'Evolució social) at the Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona.
New #nodegoat use case in which Sietske van der Veen includes a description on how she used nodegoat "as a modern sort of card index"
On August 8 and 9 we ran a workshop for the project "Precarious Provenance – Human remains from Africa’s colonial past before 1919 in scientific collections of Baden-Württemberg" at the Museum der Universität Tübingen of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Workshop #100 🎉🎉🎉🎉💯
Blog post about a new nodegoat feature: Data Publication Module. Publish any project as a standalone data publication which hosts both the data model and all of its data:
Register now to get one of the last available places for the nodegoat workshop at the 9th International Historical Network Research Conference at the University of Lausanne. The workshop takes place on Monday 8 July 2024 from 14:00 to 17:30. This is an in-person event.