
#HNR2015 Surprisingly, seamen and prostitutes were over-represented :)

#HNR2015 Now Yannis Gonatidis on analysing sexually transmitted diseases in 19th century Greece by means of social network analysis

RT @asantiagofaria: Everyone working hard  #nodegoat @nodegoat workshop Lisboa

RT @delfinietois: In Lisbon, enjoying the #HNR2015 and learning an awful lot about @nodegoat!

RT @martenduering: Pls note: @nodegoat & @HerrRudolf offer #sna #netivs training f historians @ Historical Network Research conf 2015 http:…

RT @asantiagofaria: @nodegoat at #CHAM2015 19th century Macau & Timor Public works

RT @ClaudineMoulin: Call for Papers für die #DHd2016 in Leipzig ist offen (Deadline15. 9. 2015), wir freuen uns auf Eure Teilnahme! http://…

RT @xmacex: People doing (social) network analysis; what are you thinking about Bruno Latour's actor-network theory? #sna #ant #digitalhuma…

@MaxKemman @silvertje @marnixvb @marijnkoolen + @martenduering talking to us through Skype!

RT @silvertje: Workshop Historical Network Analysis. Hopefully going to learn @nodegoat

Collaboratively written/edited by 300+ authors/editors in @nodegoat, introducing a new public user interface #trailblazing

@scott_bot @nodegoat Yes. Also includes cell-level provenance for both sources & version (changes per user)