
@nrchtct @nodegoat @lorenzo251193 @w3c Our implementation is based on logical operators, which would map to different ontologies when needed. We foresee @nodegoat ChronoJSON to be able to do what we want to do, and map to a generic ChronoJSON format for exchange, see https://nodegoat.net/guides/chronologystatements

RT @angelalinghuang: Great day! Not only because I got a #nodegoat sticker, but we officially kick-started our research environment with @L…

RT @angelalinghuang: Great day! Not only because I got a #nodegoat sticker, but we officially kick-started our research environment with @L…

RT @infoclio: Die Tagung "From source to visualization" vereinte am 4.6.21 Forschende aus ganz Europa, die mit der virtuellen Forschungsumg…

RT @ahmadzakijp: Politics of Visualizationというのは確かにあります。Nodegoatとかを使って、(生存者の)Mapping Memory Landscapesを試みています。記憶、というのは扱いが難しいはずですが、だからこそデータの量…

@docuracy @nodegoat Yes, but your example is actually possible using the relationality in the statements, which in @nodegoat indeed entails a lookup.

@docuracy @nodegoat Right! So the syntagma is there, but we need to extend the paradigm to support definable algorithms. It's on the suggested features list!

@docuracy @nodegoat Nice case proposition! In ChronoJSON you could state e.g. '2 months' after the Cycle 'Sun Fair' in the year '1850' where the Cycle 'Sun Fair' is defined as 'July 20' ending '5 days' after. Would you aim to change 'July 20' to something celestial/calender-algorithmic like Easter?

RT @official_ueda: 今日はザグレブの19世紀音楽ネットワーキング会議3日目で研究発表。1年遅れでオンライン開催。人、場所、作品、場所の「関係」がテーマ。大規模データ視覚化ワークショップもあり充実の4日間。自分は演奏批評のテキストマイニングをネットワークに絡めま…

RT @kaspargubler: Milan Matthiesen on the 'The Exterior of Philosophy: On the Practice of New Confucianism'...project implemented with @nod…

RT @technetempire: Happy to see @NunoCamarinhas talking about the circulation of Judges in the Portuguese Empire.
c. 7000 Judges + 20.000…

RT @technetempire: Today #nodegoatday2021 organized by @kaspargubler
Listening to Giulia Iannuzzi talking about Global Sea Routes project.…

RT @Stefanie_Mahrer: Join me at 2pm for my presentation on forced academic migration @FAM_history at today‘s #nodegoatday @unibern organize…

RT @Stefanie_Mahrer: Join me at 2pm for my presentation on forced academic migration @FAM_history at today‘s #nodegoatday @unibern organize…

RT @photopraline: Today I'm presenting my PhD Project on #nodegoatday2021 about relic networks (10:00). You can watch it here live: https:/…

Including a good example of a @Transkribus to @nodegoat workflow 👇

First results of the #nodegoat project "The Influx of Musicians to the Slovene Lands in the Long 19th Century" of Maruša Zupančič from @ZrcSazu presented today at the "Musical Networking in the long 19th Century" conference organised by @HIPZagreb

RT @phn_larhra: #D4H21 Session 6 - Uncertain Time and Space
Pim Van Bree, Geert Kessels (@LAB1100)
Chronology Statements for nodegoat: a te…

RT @ChrWachter: Unsichere Zeit- und Ortsangaben modellieren und per #GIS darstellen? Pim van Bree und Geert Kessels über ein wichtiges Prob…

Next week we’ll give a #nodegoat workshop during the online conference ‘Musical Networking in the long 19th Century’

Programme and info on live stream can be found here: http://hmd-music.org/

Join the #nodegoat Day @unibern organised by @kaspargubler to learn how @DH_unibe runs their nodegoat Go service.

Plus presentations from @buercky, @photopraline, Giulia Iannuzzi, Daniel Jaquet, @nina_janz, @Stefanie_Mahrer, & @NunoCamarinhas.

Sign up 👉 https://histdata.hypotheses.org/2104