
.@RoelandOrdelman talks about R&D at @BeeldenGeluid, 'video hyperlinking', 'storytelling'. Cool stuff! @NWOHumanities

#THAT15 is over! Thanks to @pimhuijnen, @melvinwevers & @hydrarchos for a great organisation.

#THAT15 #SNA Session: Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, Closeness Centrality. Useful concepts for researchers in the humanities?

RT @lexhvv01: De historicus in het digitale tijdperk | oratie Charles van den Heuvel | UvA | 30 januari 2015 16.00 uur @HuygensING  http://…

Arlette Mauritsz & other students of UvA and VU show their work @waag, closing event of the Digital Humanities minor

@MaxKemman @seinecle @semenoffalex Currently no plans. But who knows!

@miriamkp @laurenfklein Thanks for the extensive updates on #goskp2014, much appreciated!

.@TobyBurrows encourages cumulative reuse of data in his talk on serendipity in humanities research @eHumanities #digitalhumanities

We've demo'ed/discussed @nodegoat today with @ScharnhorstA, @albertmeronyo, Sally Wyatt & others @eHumanities. Good discussion and input!