#nodegoat workshop in Athens today! Many thanks to @stouraitis, @NIAthens, and @s_papastamkou for the organisation
#nodegoat workshop in Athens today! Many thanks to @stouraitis, @NIAthens, and @s_papastamkou for the organisation
RT @DHiNorden: Last places available! The Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities will take place on July 17-20 in Riga (Latvia). Worksh…
@aboutgeo @eltonteb @LAB1100 @nottinauta This can be done using nodegoat's API https://nodegoat.gitbooks.io/documentation/content/usage/API/store.html to push objects with sub-objects that contain dating and GeoJSON. Configuration depends on a user's data model. We'll setup a new user domain which we can use to setup/describe the communication.
@eltonteb @LAB1100 @aboutgeo @nottinauta Sounds good!
RT @eltonteb: Worth thinking about (building/making clear) a pipeline from https://recogito.pelagios.org/ to http://nodegoat.net/ and/or produc…
RT @eltonteb: .@LAB1100: Humanities researchers ok with a spreadsheet but struggle with data modelling. Tend to dive straight into the inte…
#dhistathens @eltonteb presents #recogito environment https://recogito.pelagios.org with a shout-out to "the genius behind all this" @aboutgeo
Digital history conference in Athens! @s_papastamkou opens the floor. Programme here: http://www.archive.uoa.gr/proboli-newn/episthmoniki-hmerida-me-8ema-chfiaki-istoria.html #digitalhumanities
We're happy to be there! 🐐 https://twitter.com/stouraitis/status/1006249753708040192
@melvinwevers Nee. Wij missen jou ook ❤️
@melvinwevers In München 🥨
#νοδεγοατ we'll be talking about iterative data modelling next week in Athens https://nodegoat.net/blog.s/22/iterative-data-modelling https://twitter.com/MESHS_Lille/status/1003946247592599552
20 July, Riga: nodegoat workshop during the first Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities #BSSDH2018
Moin! from Bremen 😊 #HNR #workshop
RT @friede: #asecs18 #asecsdh @jengolight - putting info into a database is a way of interpretation already. Thus, shift to NodeGoat — desi…
RT [abbr=]@niasknaw[/abbr]: A sneak peek of Joep Leerssen's presentation on Dutch canonicity at his #NIASseminar. If you missed it don't worry, you can a…
Workshop, 1/2 March 2018, Das Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut Essen (@kwi_essen): "Netzwerkanalyse für Doktoranden und Postdocs der UAR", http://www.kwi-nrw.de/home/veranstaltung-868.html
RT @KBNLresearch: De @KB_Nederland / @niasknaw fellow prof. dr. Joep Leerssen sluit op 16 januari zijn fellowship af met een publiekslezing…
@_m_gruen You could use the Export (https://nodegoat.gitbooks.io/documentation/content/usage/export/) and Import (https://nodegoat.gitbooks.io/documentation/content/configuration/import/) functionalities for this, or the API. You can also add new Object Descriptions/Sub-Objects to existing Types, or experiment with new Types, without deleting existing data.
@_m_gruen If the data is in any way relational, we always suggest to enter the data directly into nodegoat. This allows you to produce clean and consistent data. Entering the data first in a spreadsheet would make sense when you have non-relational lists. More info: https://nodegoat.net/blog.s/20/what-is-a-relational-database
#nep4dissent COST Action kick-off meeting in Warsaw. @jlabov presents dissemination strategies
RT @MaxKemman: Für diejenigen, die #dha2017 besuchen oder aus der Ferne beobachten: Bitte nehmen Sie an meiner Umfrage über die Kollabora…
RT @Mareike2405: training the trainers: we do it next year with 4 workshops for historians who want to use digital methods in their seminar…
#dhnord2017 Productive day with many different research questions and ideas!
RT @kamlovskaya: #dhnord2017 day three: workshop on @nodegoat web-based #database management, #networkanalysis, #datamodelling and #DataVis…
@MaxKemman In case you're still looking: apparently he uploaded all the preprints to http://academia.edu: http://uni-koeln.academia.edu/ManfredThaller #dhnord2017
Looking forward to give a #nodegoat data modelling workshop in Lille next week at the #dhnord2017 conference "(Dé)construire l’histoire numérique" https://dhnord2017.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/9
@JolanWuyts @Lottewilms nodegoat renders the visualisations in your browser, so for 1.3 m objects, you still need a pretty powerful machine (you can do something like http://uspolitics.nodegoat.net/viewer.p/28/455/scenario/4/social/fullscreen). Ingestion can be done via API, just ask @jlonij :-)
RT @C2DH_LU: (De)constructing #digitalhistory. Hope to see you in Lille end of the month @MESHS_Lille
RT @HNR_org: [HNR] 12. Workshop Historische Netzwerkforschung: Kommunikation in Netzwerken, 20.-21.4. in Bremen, http://ift.tt/1uWIb2f