Learn more about nodegoat in Mainz, Paris, Erfurt, or Pisa
CORE AdminIn the next weeks nodegoat will be present at several conferences. Meet us in Mainz, Paris, Erfurt, or Pisa to learn more about nodegoat or discuss your nodegoat project with us.
Mainz: Networks Across Time and Space
During the 13th Workshop on Historical Network Research titled "Networks Across Time and Space" we will give a nodegoat workshop and present the recently developed analytical features of nodegoat. This event takes place on May 27th and 28th at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz.
Paris: Teaching History in the Digital Age – international perspectives #dhiha8

We will give a workshop with the title "Teaching Database Skills for Historical Research with nodegoat" on June 17th at the Institut historique allemand Paris. This workshop is part of the conference "Teaching History in the Digital Age – international perspectives #dhiha8".
Erfurt: Workshop DH-Tools II: Forschungsdaten, ihre Verwaltung und Visualisierung mit den Tools Nodegoat und Segrada
The research group "Netzwerk für digitale Geisteswissen-schaften und Citizen Science der Universität Erfurt" organises a nodegoat workshop on June 20th and 21st. You can register for this event until June 14th via christian.oertel@uni-erfurt.de.
Pisa: Time in Space conference
On June 27th we will give a nodegoat demonstration at the Time in Space conference in Pisa. At this conference we will also present the paper "Creating collections of entities with temporally attributed geometries in nodegoat".
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