RT @gzornetta: oggi presenteremo al X Workshop Heloise il progetto #Bo2022 per l'ottocentenario dell'Università di #Padova e alcune delle f…
RT @gzornetta: oggi presenteremo al X Workshop Heloise il progetto #Bo2022 per l'ottocentenario dell'Università di #Padova e alcune delle f…
Thanks to @COSTprogramme @nep4dissent and @ceu for organising the Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe summer school (turned virtual winter school) that helped kickstart this project! https://twitter.com/nodegoat/status/1374330542670413830
New #nodegoat use case in which Lucie Janotová of @scuolanormale describes how she uses nodegoat as a research environment to analyse Czechoslovak underground journals
Explore all the use cases here: https://nodegoat.net/usecases
Exciting project to work on! MANTO shows the full scope of @nodegoat’s data management capabilities 👇 https://twitter.com/GretaHawes/status/1372122973218349057
RT @GretaHawes: A half-dozen ways to die (in myth) — MANTO. A new blog describing the data-wrangling of the past few months, and why we cou…
@MaxKemman @Adam_Crymble @nodegoat No worries! Yes, it can be pretty frustrating to see projects built from scratch to be abandoned after a few years. But as long as the dynamics you’ve described exist, we don’t see any change happening soon..
@MaxKemman @Adam_Crymble @nodegoat Well, we’re constantly developing innovative and fundable features needed to get @nodegoat where it is, but yes we could and should publish more about it to also interact with the DH-field, other than nodegoat’s natural end-users (humanities researchers).
Initial visualisations published by @FAM_history 👇 https://twitter.com/Stefanie_Mahrer/status/1369213823157145605
RT @MoHu_Centre: 🆕The next event of ‘Doing Digital Humanities @ Dissgea’ will see @marcorl79, member of our MobiLab, examining the interope…
RT @cosovschi: Cuando hablamos de "Humanidades digitales" no hay que tener miedo, es sobre todo sensibilizar a los humanistas acerca de las…
RT @cosovschi: Para cualquiera que esté desarrollando una investigación en ciencias humanas con bases de datos mínimamente complejas, que r…
Many thanks for the kind words! https://twitter.com/cosovschi/status/1365366801660588032
@kaspargubler Proficiat!
RT @infoclio: Wollen Sie erfahren, wie nodegoat, eine virtuelle Forschungsumgebung zur Visualisierung von Daten, in Projekten der Uni Bern…
RT @infoclio: Wollen Sie erfahren, wie nodegoat, eine virtuelle Forschungsumgebung zur Visualisierung von Daten, in Projekten der Uni Bern…
RT @Inge_vanVugt: Hoe zetten wij online brievencatalogi om naar historische inzichten? Op 15 december geven @lilimelgar en ik een inkijkje…
@nodegoat @h_caria .@h_caria describes how we transferred their XML data to @nodegoat for cleaning and reconciliation processes, enabling exports to @cofktweets.
Added a new item to our @nodegoat zotero library: ‘Europäische Gelehrtennetzwerke digital rekonstruieren: Vernetzung von Briefmetadaten mit Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO)’ by @h_caria.
RT @kaspargubler: Outstanding interdisciplinary digital project of archaeology yesterday at nodegoat Day @unibern : 'The rivers of Mesopota…
RT @kaspargubler: A big thank you to all participants and speakers @nodegoat Day2020 @unibern , who yesterday zoomed in from Switzerland, I…
RT @kaspargubler: A big thank you to all participants and speakers @nodegoat Day2020 @unibern , who yesterday zoomed in from Switzerland, I…
@unibern Learn more about the nodegoat Go installation at @unibern in this use case: https://nodegoat.net/usecase.p/372.m/51/university-of-bern---faculty-of-philosophy-and-history
If you want to learn more about using nodegoat for your research project, you can attend the ‘nodegoat Day’ at @unibern today. Join the open zoom session or youtube live stream:
@p1t3r20 @UNI_FIRENZE Watch his presentation on this topic here: https://twitter.com/nodegoat/status/1330843840752783367
New use case added: Pierluigi Terenzi (@p1t3r20) of @UNI_FIRENZE ‘The political actors and networks of the March of Ancona in the 13th and 14th centuries’ https://nodegoat.net/usecase.p/372.m/52/the-political-actors-and-networks-of-the-march-of-ancona-in-the-13th-and-14th-centuries
Or explore all the use cases here: https://nodegoat.net/usecases
The #nodegoat Day at @unibern is an open event! Follow the link to find the Zoom URL https://twitter.com/kaspargubler/status/1330832992697266176
@UNI_FIRENZE Programme of the conference https://twitter.com/ermolao/status/1323016859470438400
Presentation by Pierluigi Terenzi (@UNI_FIRENZE) on political networks of ‘The Marches’ in the 13th and 14th centuries during the conference ‘Political spaces and solidarity networks in Italy at the time of Dante’: https://youtu.be/dmOdE9eh3f0?list=PLA40wJ2L2kNcA9XY8nyw1BO_vePMfUsp5&t=6407
RT @nep4dissent: Apply for the @nep4dissent @COSTprogramme training school: "Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989) Research App…
RT @kaspargubler: Hi Geneva, great to see you working with @nodegoat. We are a quite strong @nodegoat community here at the University of B…