RT @Mareike2405: Nodegoat: Eine web-basierte Forschungsumgebung für die Geisteswissenschaften https://einblicke.hypotheses.org/511
RT @Mareike2405: Nodegoat: Eine web-basierte Forschungsumgebung für die Geisteswissenschaften https://einblicke.hypotheses.org/511
RT @DH_unibe: Wir nähern uns dem Semesterende und schauen heute nochmals mit dem Beitrag von @max01000110 auf den @nodegoat Workshop von @k…
“dumb beasts”?
“Agile”, “inquisitive”, “intelligent” ¹
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goat#Behavior https://twitter.com/retro_conflicts/status/1481261511536431105
RT @DH_unibe: Heute gibt’s einen Rückblick auf den Workshop von @kaspargubler zu @nodegoat als Tool für digitale Edition: https://t.co/25cp…
RT @kol_t: Sehr lesenswertes Interview mit @erna_meyerink über „Empfehlungsschreiben in sozialen Netzwerken deutschsprachiger Jüdinnen un…
"Ich fand es total hilfreich, die Daten erstmal in Nodegoat einzugeben und durchzählen zu lassen, sodass man sich nicht von seinen Erwartungen leiten lässt." 🔥🔥🔥 https://twitter.com/kol_t/status/1471807185034297348
RT @warlux_c2dh: Biographical data with nodegoat - here is the link to our presentation by @nina_janz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPsyP-Y4jeY
RT @kaspargubler: Tomorrow 14.15: @nodegoat as a tool for digital editions...very much looking forward to the lecture series of @DH_unibe .…
@eltonteb @nodegoat Yes! We'll follow the development. Send us a message to discuss your Pausanias project.
You can virtually attend the third #nodegoat Day of @DH_unibe on December 6, hosted by @thist_be
With presentations by
Sebastian Borkowski
And a lecture and workshop by
RT @cosovschi: Si están armando una base de datos en el marco de una investigación, no me cansaré de recomendarles @nodegoat para facilitar…
RT @cosovschi: Si están armando una base de datos en el marco de una investigación, no me cansaré de recomendarles @nodegoat para facilitar…
RT @dissinvent: DISSINVENT a identifié pus de 30 fonds d'archives de dissidents et exilés d'Europe de l'Est venus en France après 1945. Not…
RT @cvbrugg: Powered by @nodegoat and @GhentCDH
#nodegoat job alert! 👇
Exploratory Data Visualisation 🙌 Great work by @hannahdekorte https://twitter.com/BlkPerspectives/status/1455842112948297740
RT @angelalinghuang: ...aand mapped some textile stuff... Maps + textiles = Great friday! 🧵🌍❤️
We have extended the #nodegoat Documentation & Guides
More info in this blog post: https://nodegoat.net/blog.s/57/extended-nodegoat-documentation--guides
@marnixvb @mmmenno @CREATE_UvA @webmappery @HuygensING Bedankt, het werkt weer!
@mmmenno @CREATE_UvA @HuygensING @marnixvb Dan hopen we samen!
@HxxxKxxx @ERC_Research @LMU_Muenchen @nodegoat Thanks! 4 years and over 20 people involved.
@mmmenno @CREATE_UvA @HuygensING OK! Enig idee wie daar over gaat? cc @marnixvb
The @ERC_Research project 'METROMOD' at the @LMU_Muenchen has launched their @nodegoat public user interface: https://archive.metromod.net/
More info in this blog post: https://lab1100.com/update.s/51/launch-of-metromod-archive
#digitalarthistory #dataviz #digitalhumanities
@CREATE_UvA @webmappery @mmmenno is http://tiles.amsterdamtimemachine.nl ter ziele gegaan, of zijn de tiles elders te vinden?
New partnership established with Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont
#HGIS #researchinfrastructure #nodegoat
RT @retro_conflicts: Pictorial summary of today's paper 14:30 CET:
#merchantsmarks @nodegoat https://twitter.com/retro_conflicts/status/1428658107283132416
The #nodegoat #LOD workshop series ‘Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data’ is happening next week!
More info and registration here: https://nodegoat.net/blog.s/56/linking-your-historical-sources-to-open-data-workshop-series-organised-by-cost-action-nep4dissent
RT @HxxxKxxx: Check out my team's results in “Cultural Data Science” here:
#DAHSS21 #datascience #arthistory #di…
@conzept__ This was a prototype, the live version runs at https://manto.unh.edu/. There is no public list of all projects available.
@conzept__ Not completely sure what you mean, however, every query or object has its own URL, e.g. https://ernie.uva.nl/viewer.p/21/56/filter/0-OR:grimm/grid/. It depends on the project what kind of parameters are exposed.